Monday, June 3, 2013

Happy Summer!

Before we could jump into summer vacation, there were a few odds and ends that had to be done. First, everyone needed to pick a prize from the prize box one more time. We also needed to play some games. We played a summer version of Headbands as well as recalled our memories of first grade. Before we knew it, it was time to go home! 

Today marked the end of our first grade journey. I really enjoyed working with each and every student and watching them grow in their learning. Every day was truly a blessing. Thank you for all of your support and help this school year. May you and you family have a wonderful summer. I look forward to seeing everyone in the fall!

~Miss Chalich

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pocket Full of Sunshine!

Today was a bit of a sad day in first grade as we prepared to end our year together. We had our last school Mass of the year. When we came back to school, we had our last Math Meeting followed by our last Math lesson. We talked about slides, turns, and flips. Finally, we created suns using our handprints as the rays. This was our last art project. 

Then it was time to clean out our desks. We were amazed at some of the treasures we found in them as well as how dirty they got. 

This afternoon we watched Madagascar. This was a great reward for the students as they worked hard all year. 

Monday is the last day of school. Dismissal is at 10:00. Have a wonderful weekend!