Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! It is hard to believe that it is already Thanksgiving. Where does the time go? To get us ready for all of the good food we will enjoy tomorrow, the first grade students created a bar graph of their favorite Thanksgiving foods. As you can see in the picture below, most students like mashed potatoes while few students like stuffing. 

We also read two Thanksgiving books. One was This is the Feast by Diane Shore, the author who visited us earlier this year. We also read Who Will Carve the Turkey This Thanksgiving by Jerry Pallatta. After reading this book, we wrote who could carve the turkey but what would happen if they did. All of our ideas will be put together into a classroom book. 

Let me take this time to wish everyone a happy and blessed Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you enjoy your time with your family and friends and all of the food you will eat. I'll see everyone next Tuesday. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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