Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Joy of Giving

Today's focus in first grade was about the joy of giving. We read about that first Christmas many years ago and talked about how God gave his son to us. We then created our own Nativity scenes. Here are some pictures of their work:

Our Reading activity focused on the book The Berenstein Bears and the Joy of Giving. In this story, Brother and Sister Bear learned that it is better to give than to receive. First grade then discussed gifts that we can give others. After some great examples of things they can buy for others, the attention switched to things that cannot be purchased that they can give to others. Some of their examples included hugs, kisses, and friendship. Each student picked what they thought was the best Christmas gift that does not come from a store that they could give someone and created a gift box for it. Here is a picture of that project: 

Just a reminder that dismissal tomorrow is at 12:30 PM. Students are permitted to wear jeans to school. 

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