Saturday, August 31, 2013

The End of the First Week!

Today was a great day to end our first week of first grade. In Religion class, we talked about how God created the world and each one of us. During Language Arts class, we learned how to read words that end in ck. And in Math, we practiced writing the numbers 2, 3, and 7. 

We had our very first Science class of the year today. We talked about how we can sort animals into groups like big/small; fly/ don't fly; swim/ don't swim. 

We had another first today in Spelling class. We practiced writing our first set of Spelling words. A list was sent home today. Our very first Spelling test will be next Friday. 

Our day ended with Art class. Today we made name posters. The students really enjoyed decorating them, and I enjoyed seeing their creativity. 

Here are some pictures of projects that we worked on during our first week of school. 

Have a great Labor Day weekend! 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Happy Thursday!

Happy Thursday, everyone! It is hard to believe that the first week of school is almost over. 

Today was quite a busy day for us. We are slowly getting into our routine and are busy learning new things. Today in Language Arts, we continued practicing reading short a words by building a word ladder using letter tiles. We also defined characters as the people or animals in a story. Finally, we talked about sentences and what makes a good sentence. 

In Math class, we built towers for the numbers 1-9 and reviewed identifying the numbers. 

Tomorrow is Friday which means it is Art class day. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

On the Third Day of School . . .

Today was another great day of first grade. We did not let the rain dampen our spirits. We had our very first Spanish class of the year with Sister Diana. Today we learned the words for stand and sit down. 

In Language Arts, we began our study of short a. We practiced reading words and then read a story filled with short a words. Many of us remembered the short a sound from kindergarten. 

In Math class, we practiced writing the numbers 1, 4, and 5. We know that we must take our time when we write so that our numbers look pretty. 

For gym class today, we went to the gym to play "Alligator, Alligator." Smiles were abound during this game. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Super Second Day!

Greetings, everyone! I must say that day number two went just as fast as day number one. We are slowly getting into our routine and are still enjoying every minute of first grade. 

Today we reviewed some skills the students learned in kindergarten. In Language Arts, we practiced dividing words into syllables and generating rhyming words. In Math, we used linking cubes to build towers for the numbers 1-5. Tonight we have our very first homework assignment in Math. 

Just a quick note about tomorrow. Tomorrow is our gym class day. Students are permitted to wear their sneakers to school tomorrow. 

Have a great night! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Welcome to First Grade!

Hello, everyone! Welcome to First Grade and welcome to the classroom blog. Each night I'll be posting things that we learned during the day as well as any pictures of projects that we completed in school. My goal is to keep you informed about the daily happenings in first grade. 

Today, we had an awesome start to our school year. The students were such good listeners and workers today. We spent the good part of our morning organizing all of our books and supplies. 

Our afternoon focused on establishing classroom expectations, writing the alphabet, completing a Math Meeting, and writing about what we hope to learn this year. Before we knew it, it was time to go home. 

We are all excited to see what tomorrow brings!