Saturday, August 31, 2013

The End of the First Week!

Today was a great day to end our first week of first grade. In Religion class, we talked about how God created the world and each one of us. During Language Arts class, we learned how to read words that end in ck. And in Math, we practiced writing the numbers 2, 3, and 7. 

We had our very first Science class of the year today. We talked about how we can sort animals into groups like big/small; fly/ don't fly; swim/ don't swim. 

We had another first today in Spelling class. We practiced writing our first set of Spelling words. A list was sent home today. Our very first Spelling test will be next Friday. 

Our day ended with Art class. Today we made name posters. The students really enjoyed decorating them, and I enjoyed seeing their creativity. 

Here are some pictures of projects that we worked on during our first week of school. 

Have a great Labor Day weekend! 

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