Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Second Day of School!

Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a wonderful second day of school. We sure did in the classroom today. We are working hard at learning new routines and remembering to follow our classroom rules. 

We began today with Religion class. I first had the students draw a picture using only their pencils. I then had them draw a second picture using their crayons. We talked about the difference and why the crayon picture was more special. Next, we read the story The Crayon Box That Talked. We learned that even though each one of us is unique, we are special. We need to respect each other and be good friends to each other. We promised to do this all year. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed syllables and rhyming words. We then wrote two sentences describing what we like to eat and what we like to do. 

For Gym class today we went outside. We really enjoyed the fresh air while exercising and playing with our friends on the playground. 

In Math class today, we used linking cubes to help us build towers for the numbers 1-5. After we did this, we realized that when we put them in order they look like stairs! Tonight the students had their first homework assignment. Don't forget to bring it to school tomorrow. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we talked about our families. The students loved sharing what they do together with their families! 

Have a wonderful night! 

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