Saturday, January 30, 2016

March of the Penguins!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a good week after that snow storm last weekend. I was amazed to see how much of the snow melted this week. It comes and goes. 

In Religion class this week, we talked about our parish. We learned that we join our parish to worship God. We also talked about how a pastor leads and cares for a parish. 

Language Arts class was full of fun this week. We began the week by reading Frog and Toad Together. The students just loved this story. They were debating whether or not this was the best story we read this year. 

Towards the end of the week, we started a new story and learned new phonics skills. We learned how to blend and read r-controlled er, ir, and ur words and practiced reading contractions. We also learned some new sight words. In addition, we talked about what it means to draw conclusions. In Grammar, we are learning the verbs of be (am, is, are, was and were). 

In Math class this week, we began the week practicing adding two two-digit numbers without regrouping. We used dimes and pennies to help us solve these problems. At the end of the week, we began to learn new facts: the doubles plus 1 facts. We learned that to solve these problems we double the smaller number and add 1. We will continue to practice these facts next week. 

For Gym class this week we played kickball. In Social Studies, we talked about the continent, country, and state where we live and made a flipbook to help us remember these locations. In Science class, we began our study of teeth. We learned that it is important to eat healthy foods to help our teeth stay strong. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. The students were so excited to make their penguins. They did such a good job. Take a look: 

Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Short Week of Learning!

Greetings on this snowy Saturday morning! It took some time for the snow to fly, but this storm made up for lost time. I hope everyone is safe, and I am sure the children are loving every inch we received! 

Our week was a short week in first grade, made even shorter with a two hour delay. In Religion class this week, we talked about how we belong to a parish and how our parish is like our family. We also discussed that when we worship God we praise and thank him. 

In Language Arts class, we blended and read words with inflected endings and r-controlled ar words. We also practiced new sight words. In addition we worked in our literacy centers to help us build our fluency and comprehension skills. On top of that we learned about verbs for now and for the past. Finally, we learned about paragraphs; we will begin writing paragraphs next week! 

During Math class this week, we used a ruler to draw line segments, learned how to add two two-digit numbers using dimes and pennies, and solved a problem by drawing a picture. 

For Social Studies this week, we learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. We learned about his life and why we celebrate it every January. We also talked about what we can do to make the world peaceful. In addition to that, we discussed the difference between a city, suburb, and town. 

Below are pictures from last week and this week. Enjoy! Happy shoveling!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Finally . . . Winter Weather!

Greetings! I hope everyone is doing well and is having a nice weekend. Well, this past week we finally had winter weather. We had our first early dismissal and our first two hour delay of the season. Let's hope that we don't have too many more of those! 

In Religion this week, we talked about how the pope leads and cares for the Church. We also discussed ways that the Church serves others. 

During Language Arts this week, we learned to blend and read words with the inflected ending -es. We also blended and read r-controlled -or words. In addition, we practiced our new sight words and worked on telling the theme of a story. This week we read Jan's New Home. The students really enjoyed this story and did a fantastic job answering questions from it. We also practiced using verbs without s in sentences and wrote the steps in blowing a bubble. 

In Math class this week, we learned how to divide a square in half several different ways. We also learned new math facts: the subtracting 2 facts. To practice these facts we used our student fact cards and our wrap-ups. We ended the week learning how to make tally marks. 

For Gym class this week, we danced to some favorites: YMCA, The Birdie Dance, and Hokey Pokey. The students smiled the whole class! 

Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday!!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Happy 2016!!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday. The students were quite excited to tell me all about their Christmas and what Santa brought them. It sounded like they had a nice holiday break. 

We began the New Year by attending Mass to honor the Holy Name of Jesus. We remember that Jesus' name is one that is to be respected and honored. 

In Religion class, we wrapped up our study of the Holy Spirit helping the church to grow. We then talked about the leaders of the church. We learned that Jesus picked Peter to be the leader of the Apostles. We also discussed how bishops lead the church today. 

Language Arts class was full of new learning this week. We learned how to decode and read final ng, nk words and compound words. We also learned new sight words. We put this new knowledge to work as we read Ruby in Her Own Time. As we read this story this week, we focused on the plot of the story. In Grammar this week we focused on verbs that add -s to them, and in writing we wrote the steps in building a snowman. 

To add more fun to Language Arts, we baked up some art projects. We made cupcakes full of compound words. We also made 'synonym' rolls when we talked about synonyms. Look at our tasty treats: 

During Math class this week, we focused on several new skills. First we practiced spelling the numbers 0-10. We played a version of Hangman to help us do that. Next, we learned about pairs and how two things make a pair. Then, we created a bar graph and answered questions about it. We also practiced adding two two-digit numbers using dimes and pennies. We ended the week identifying ordinal position to the 26th. 

For Gym class this week, we played our favorite 'Alligator, Alligator'. In Social Studies we talked about the weather and seasons. We drew pictures of something we do in each season. During Science class we talked about the three phases of water and how it can change from a solid to a liquid to a gas. This discussion led us to learn about evaporation. 

We ended the week with Art class. We made snowmen. They look so cute! 

Enjoy your weekend!