Saturday, January 23, 2016

Short Week of Learning!

Greetings on this snowy Saturday morning! It took some time for the snow to fly, but this storm made up for lost time. I hope everyone is safe, and I am sure the children are loving every inch we received! 

Our week was a short week in first grade, made even shorter with a two hour delay. In Religion class this week, we talked about how we belong to a parish and how our parish is like our family. We also discussed that when we worship God we praise and thank him. 

In Language Arts class, we blended and read words with inflected endings and r-controlled ar words. We also practiced new sight words. In addition we worked in our literacy centers to help us build our fluency and comprehension skills. On top of that we learned about verbs for now and for the past. Finally, we learned about paragraphs; we will begin writing paragraphs next week! 

During Math class this week, we used a ruler to draw line segments, learned how to add two two-digit numbers using dimes and pennies, and solved a problem by drawing a picture. 

For Social Studies this week, we learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. We learned about his life and why we celebrate it every January. We also talked about what we can do to make the world peaceful. In addition to that, we discussed the difference between a city, suburb, and town. 

Below are pictures from last week and this week. Enjoy! Happy shoveling!

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