Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Secret Santa Day!

Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. We were quite excited to visit the Secret Santa shop to buy small gifts for our families to put under the tree. 

In Religion class today we talked about how Jesus died and rose to new life, which is what we celebrate on Easter. We also learned that Alleluia is a word of praise. 

We continued learning new skills in Language Arts as well as reviewing old ones. We learned new oral vocabulary words, reviewed words with the digraphs ch, tch, wh, and ph, and practiced reading words with the inflectional ending -es. We reread our story from yesterday and worked on identifying the main topic and key details from it. We then read our decodable reader. We ended class by reviewing irregular plural nouns. 

In Math class today we practiced counting dimes and pennies. The students did very good with this skill. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym class! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Welcome Jingles!

Greetings! Welcome back from Thanksgiving break. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday spending time with family and friends, eating good foods, and maybe doing a little shopping. It seems that the excitement for the students was the return of the elf. As it turns out, an elf made an appearance in our room today. His name his Jingles and he will be watching us until Christmas. The students are quite excited about this. 

It was a crazy morning filled with Music and Guidance. But once we got started and settled, we were off and running. 

In Religion class today we reviewed the season of Advent. We know that during this time we wait for Jesus. We light candles on an Advent wreath to remind us that Jesus is the Light of the World. 

We started a new story today in Language Arts. With that came new oral vocabulary words and new phonics skills. Today we blended and read words with the digraphs ch, tch, wh, and ph. We also learned new sight words. Our strategy this week is rereading. We read and reread Which Way on the Map? We ended class by talking about irregular plural nouns (i.e. men, children, mice, etc.)

In Math class today we learned to count by 2's to 20. We will continue to practice this skill every morning during our Math Meeting. 

Finally, we visited the Secret Santa shop to make our lists. We will return tomorrow to make our purchases. Please remember to return the shopping list with money tomorrow. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving (a day early)! The students were so excited to leave early today. They are ready for their turkey and some down time! 

We started our day by going to Mass. Msgr. Lockard reminded us to always thank God not just tomorrow but everyday. 

When we returned to class, we read Turkey Trouble. It is a story about a turkey who tries different disguises to avoid becoming Thanksgiving dinner. After reading the story, we reviewed the disguises he tried and then designed our own disguise for the turkey. The students were quite creative at this. 

Next, we made a harvest pattern. Students colored pictures of pumpkins, apples, and corn. Then they used those pictures to make a pattern. 

And that was that. May you and your family have a blessed, happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy time with family and friends. Enjoy any shopping or football watching. I'll see you next Tuesday! 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Almost Thanksgiving!

Happy Tuesday! Excitement is building in the air for Thanksgiving. The students are excited for the food, play time with friends and family, and some time off. We have only one more day to go. 

We went to Adoration this morning. We enjoyed spending some quiet time with Jesus telling him all that we are thankful for. 

We wrapped up our story today in Language Arts. We practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences and practiced reading digraphs sh, th, and ng and closed syllable words. Then we wrote sentences with our sight words before reading a story in our decodable reader booklets. We ended our Language Arts class by working in literacy centers. 

Math class was quite simple today; we took a fact test. We'll resume the math learning after the break. 

Then it was time to celebrate Thanksgiving. We read about the first Thanksgiving and created a story booklet about it. Then we compared and contrasted the First Thanksgiving with Thanksgiving today. To celebrate all the good food we will eat on Thanksgiving, we made a piece of pumpkin pie. 

Here are some pictures. One picture shows our Pilgrim project from yesterday; one shows a penmanship project we worked on today, and one shows our pumpkin pie. 

Just a reminder that the students will be dismissed early tomorrow! 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Pilgrims! Pilgrims!

Greetings and Happy Monday! It sounded like all of the children loved seeing the snow yesterday. Many were so excited to tell me about their adventures playing in it. I wish I could say that my enthusiasm was as great as theirs. 

In Religion class today we talked about the season of Advent. We learned that Advent is a time waiting for Jesus to come. We light candles on an Advent wreath; those candles help us remember that Jesus is the Light of the World. We then made our own paper Advent wreath. We used our handprints for the leaves and added the purple and pink candles. I sent home the flames. I encourage you to glue them on each week during the season. In my rush at the end of the day, I forgot to take pictures of the finished ones. :(

In Language Arts class we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We also reviewed words with the digraphs sh, th, and ng by using our letter tiles to spell words. Next we reviewed closed syllable words. We practiced dividing the word into syllables, identifying the closed syllables, reading the word, and using the word in a sentence. Lastly, we reviewed our sight words by reading the word wall. Then it was time to read. We partner read our decodable reader story. We then read a nonfiction selection in our anthologies about kids helping in the community. Finally, we practiced writing proper nouns correctly. 

In Math class today we learned new math facts: the subtracting 0 facts and subtracting a number from itself facts. Once we discovered the pattern to each set of facts, we found these facts to be simple to learn. 

We ended our day by talking about the Pilgrims. We sorted activities Pilgrim children did to activities children today do. We then created a Pilgrim and wrote about something we would do if we lived back then. 

Just a reminder that book orders are due tomorrow. Stay warm! 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Action-Packed Friday!

Happy Friday! I don't know about you but this week just flew by. I hope the weekend doesn't go as quick! 

In Religion class today we talked about how Jesus taught in the Temple. We learned that the Temple is a place where people go and pray. We also talked about why the city of Jerusalem is important. 

Language Arts class was full of learning today. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words, digraphs sh, th, and ng, closed syllables, and our sight words. After all that reviewing it was time to read. Today we read Nell's Books. After reading we worked on our comprehension skills by completing questions in our close reading companion workbook. 

The students were quite excited to visit the library today and get a colored dot book. We are all excited to take our first AR test next week! 

In Math class today we solved a problem by drawing a picture. Science class took us around the world as we explored different habitats. We went to the desert, forest, and ocean. In each habitat, we talked about different plants and animals that live there. 

We ended our day with Art class. Today we made giant turkeys. They will look great on your refrigerator for Thanksgiving. Have a look: 

Enjoy your weekend! Hopefully the snow will miss us! 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Thanksgiving Feast!

Greetings! Happy Thanksgiving Luncheon day! We really enjoyed our feast today. The students loved everything from decorating the table, to the meal, to the play. 

In between the feast, we had work to do in first grade. In Religion class today, we talked about how the people welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem. We learned that they waved palm branches and shouted 'Hosanna!'

In Language Arts class today, we learned new oral vocabulary words. We then practiced blending and reading words with digraphs sh, th, and -ng; we even used our letter tiles to spell words. Next, we learned how to blend and read words with closed syllables. After practicing our phonics skills, we switched our focus to reading. We reread Thump Thump Helps Out and discussed the characters, setting, and events in the story. We then read our decodable reader. We ended class by practicing finding common and proper nouns in sentences. 

In Math class today we learned how to tell time to the hour. We used our clocks to practice showing various times. 

We ended our day with Social Studies class. Today we focused on the Pilgrims. We read two stories about the life of a Pilgrim girl and a Pilgrim boy. We will continue our talk about Pilgrims next week. 

Here are some pictures. One is from our Mayflower lesson yesterday. The other shows our Thanksgiving table decorations. Enjoy! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

On the Mayflower!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! I don't know about you but this week is flying by. It is hard to believe that we are only one week away from Thanksgiving. 

In Religion class this morning, we talked about how Jesus is the Good Shepherd. We call Jesus this because he watches over us and loves us just like a shepherd watches over and cares for his sheep. 

We began a new story today in Language Arts. With that came new oral vocabulary words and new phonics skills. Today we blended and read words with the digraphs sh, th, and ng. We worked on the skill of rereading as we read The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr. We also learned new sight words. We put our knowledge to work as we read Thump Thump Helps Out. After all that work in reading, we switched our focus to grammar where we talked about the difference between common and proper nouns. 

In Math class today we learned to count by 2's. 

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we read a story about the Mayflower. We then wrote facts that we learned from the story. We will add them to a Mayflower craft tomorrow. I'll post pictures then. 

Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving luncheon. Because of our feast, we will not have gym class! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Wrapping Up the Learning!

Happy Tuesday! I hope your week is going well. We are having a busy week in first grade. 

Today in Religion we wrapped up our chapter on Jesus and his followers. We reviewed how Jesus called his followers and taught them how to pray. We also recalled how His followers came to believe that he is the Son of God. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts class today. We practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences and reviewed reading words with end blends and inflected ending -ing. In addition we practiced using possessives in sentences. We then switched gears and talked about AR. We read Curious George and together took a test on it. We are all excited to begin this program in first grade. 

In Math class today, we learned how to count dimes. Counting dimes is just like counting by 10's. Pretty soon we will be counting dimes and pennies together! 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Picking Up from Last Week!

Greetings! Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. Thank you so much for coming in last Thursday. I really enjoyed talking with everyone and sharing your child's progress. If you ever need anything, please let me know. 

We started our day in Religion class. Today we talked about friendship and how we can be good friends. We then talked about good touches and bad touches. Finally, we reviewed the Our Father by putting the words in order. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words from last week as well as end blends and inflected ending -ing. We used our letter tiles to build end blend words and used the -ing words in sentences. We also reviewed our sight words by reading the word wall. Then it was time to read. We read a decodable reader story, a poem, and partner read At a Pond. This afternoon we reviewed possessives by using them in sentences. 

During Math class today we practiced our subtracting 1 facts by using a wrap-up. 

Just a reminder that our Spelling test is tomorrow! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The End of a Short Week!

Happy Wednesday which is really our Friday. The students are looking forward to their four day weekend. They deserve some time to relax, play, and hang out. They have worked so hard this week; I am so proud of them! 

In Religion class today, we took a look at the Our Father and explored the meaning behind the prayer. He know that when we pray we need to say each word and reflect on its meaning. 

In Language Arts class today, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, words with end blends, words with inflected ending -ing, and our sight words. Once we did that, it was time to read. We partner read our decodable reader story. We also read our story for the week, At A Pond. Here we explored all of the animals at a pond. Next, we practiced using possessives in sentences. Finally, we wrote the last step in brushing our teeth. We did have an extra treat today; we got to use the iPads to practice our phonics skills. 

During Math class today, we learned what the word identical means. We looked at the designs we made last week with pattern blocks and found designs that were identical. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Parent-Teacher Conferences. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

A Fast, Busy Day of Learning!

Happy Tuesday! Today was another busy day of learning in first grade. We kept moving from one thing to another. Before we knew it, it was lunchtime. The afternoon went just as quick. 

In Religion class today we talked about how Jesus taught his followers how to prayed. The students were surprised that Jesus taught his followers the Our Father. We found it amazing that we are still praying this prayer all these years later. 

In Language Arts class, we learned new oral vocabulary words. We also learned how to blend and read words with the inflected ending -ing. We then practiced reading words with end blends by using our letter tiles to spell and read words; we also practiced our sight words. Then it was time to read. We reread The Best Spot and wrote about the main topic and key details in the story. We also read our decodable reader. Finally, we wrote the second step in brushing our teeth. 

During Math class today we learned new math facts. We switched gears from addition to subtraction today and learned the subtracting 1 facts. We discovered that subtracting 1 is just like counting backwards by 1. 

Here is the Art picture I have been promising you: 

Enjoy your night!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Beautiful Fall Day!

Greetings! Happy Monday! What a beautiful fall day it was today! I was surprised at how much it warmed up this morning. We really enjoyed our recess on the playground today. 

In Religion class we talked about how Jesus' followers believed he was the Son of God. We read the story of how Jesus calmed the stormy water and even acted it out too. We talked about how we can follow Jesus in our every day lives. 

In Language Arts class today, we learned new oral vocabulary words and how to blend and read words with end blends. We also learned new sight words. We put our knowledge to the practice by reading The Best Spot and by working in our literacy centers. Taking a break from reading, we wrote the first step in brushing our teeth. We also talked about possessives. 

During Math class today, we learned how to count by 10's to 100. We then practiced counting forward and backwards by 10's to 100. 

I have to apologize. I forgot to take pictures of our Indian corn. I will take them first thing in the morning and post them tomorrow. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Box Top jean day. Thank you so much for sending them in during the first marking period. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

An Exciting End to a Week!

Greetings! Happy Friday! Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. The students were full of excitement and energy today. That enthusiasm really made the day go fast. 

We began our day by going to Mass. Today Msgr. talked about St. Charles and how we helped found the seminaries. We continue to pray for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life. 

When we returned to the classroom, we began with Language Arts class. We wrapped up our week of learning. We reviewed short u, contractions, and our sight words. We wrote sentences with our sight words and took our weekly assessment. We also reviewed singular and plural nouns and practiced using them in sentences. Finally, in conjunction with our essential questions for the week, the students drew a building and labeled all the materials they would need to build it. 

In Math class today we practiced solving a problem by using logical reasoning. And in Science class, we talked about the difference between living and nonliving things. The students worked in groups to sort picture cards into the two groups. They also drew pictures of living and nonliving things. 

We ended our day with Art class. I have been waiting a year to do this one ever since I found it on Pinterest last December. Today we made Indian corn using candy corn. The students glued corn ears and husks to construction paper. They then filled in the corn with candy corn. They turned out awesome. I'll post pictures on Monday once all of the messy glue has dried. 

Enjoy your weekend! 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Learning Around the World!

Greetings! Today was a busy day in first grade. We began with Religion class. Today we talked about how Jesus invited people to be his followers. We read the story about how Jesus called Andrew and Peter. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, short u words, contractions, and our sight words. We talked about captions and the information they tell. When then practiced our fluency and comprehension skills. We read a story in our decodable reader book, partner read The Pigs, the Wolf, and the Mud, and read a story about homes around the world. We also sorted nouns based on whether they are singular or plural and wrote the final two steps in our how to paper on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

We used pattern blocks during Math class today. We covered designs with them and then traced the shapes to show our design. Next week, we will be sorting our designs. 

Because of the rain today, we went to the gym for Gym class. We played 'Good Ship Spark.' This game worked on listening skills and locomoter skills. We left the gym sweaty and tired. 

We ended our day with Social Studies class. Today we talked about continents and oceans. We made a map of the world. Have a look: 

Tomorrow will be a busy and exciting day in first grade! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

On the Second Day of November . . .

On the second day of November, we had a blast learning in first grade. I love seeing the students' enthusiasm to learn each day; they are so eager to learn new things. It is so wonderful! 

In Religion class today we wrapped up our study of Ordinary Time. We talked about the people who help us grow closer to Jesus during this church season. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, short u, contractions, and our sight words. After all that reviewing we read our story The Pigs, the Wolf, and the Mud. This story is really cute and the students loved it. They especially enjoyed yelling 'yuck'. I hope you enjoy the story tonight. Then after reading, we answered compression questions in our close reading companion workbook. We also reviewed singular and plural nouns and began writing a how-to paper on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

In Math class today, we learned new addition facts: the adding 0 facts. We found that these facts are really easy. We did make our own set of fact cards for these problems and added them to the growing bag of facts we already know. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day. Enjoy your night! 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Welcome November!

Welcome to November in first grade! This month will be full of learning. We will devote time to learning about Thanksgiving and take part in special activities that focus around the holiday! 

We began our day with Mass in honor of All Saints' Day. Msgr. Lockard reminded us that the saints lived holy lives by following the Beatitudes. We prayed that we may follow the Beatitudes and one day fulfill our mission of being called a saint. 

In Language Arts class today we learned three new oral vocabulary words. We also practiced making predictions as we read "The Three Little Pigs." We then reviewed short u words by using our letter tiles to spell words. Next, we learned about contractions. We learned that a contraction is a short way to write two words and that an apostrophe takes the place of missing letters. Our focus this week will just be 's contractions. After that, we worked on our fluency and comprehension skills by reading our decodable reader and rereading Cubs in a Hut and by writing answers to questions that focused on character, setting, and plot. 

In Math class today we learned how to count on. First we rolled two dice, then we found the bigger number, and last we counted on. We worked with a partner to practice this skill and created a bar graph to show the numbers we rolled. 

Enjoy your night!