Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The End of a Short Week!

Happy Wednesday which is really our Friday. The students are looking forward to their four day weekend. They deserve some time to relax, play, and hang out. They have worked so hard this week; I am so proud of them! 

In Religion class today, we took a look at the Our Father and explored the meaning behind the prayer. He know that when we pray we need to say each word and reflect on its meaning. 

In Language Arts class today, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, words with end blends, words with inflected ending -ing, and our sight words. Once we did that, it was time to read. We partner read our decodable reader story. We also read our story for the week, At A Pond. Here we explored all of the animals at a pond. Next, we practiced using possessives in sentences. Finally, we wrote the last step in brushing our teeth. We did have an extra treat today; we got to use the iPads to practice our phonics skills. 

During Math class today, we learned what the word identical means. We looked at the designs we made last week with pattern blocks and found designs that were identical. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Parent-Teacher Conferences. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. 

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