Friday, March 30, 2018

A Visit from the Easter Bunny!

Greetings! Happy Easter! Today was a very exciting day in first grade. When the students walked in, they saw that some "bunny" had visited our classroom and left an Easter basket on their desk! Seeing their expressions and hearing their enthusiasm was priceless. Here is what he left them: 

Once we calmed down, our day went really fast. In Religion class we talked about the events of Good Friday. We painted around a cross outline which will create a stain-glass effect. I'll post pictures of our crosses next week! 

Then we did some Math activities using jelly beans. We used jelly beans to create various patterns. Then we used them to measure did objects in our classroom. 

After that, we finished watching the movie we began on Tuesday. Before we knew it, it was time for lunch. And after lunch it was time to head home! 

I want to take this time to wish all of you a Happy Easter. Enjoy these days with your families. I'll see you on Tuesday! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Eggs-cellent Day!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! What a difference a week makes! Last week we were digging out after a snowstorm; today, although dreary, was the warmest day we had in a while. It's amazing at how quickly the weather can change. 

In Religion class today, we looked at the events of Holy Thursday. We read about how Jesus washed his disciples feet before sharing a simple meal of bread and wine with them. We talked about how by washing his disciples' feet, Jesus wants us to serve and help others just like he did. We also talked about how we remember what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper every time we go to Mass. 

We began yet another new week of learning in Language Arts. Today we learned five new oral vocabulary words, six sight words, and two vocabulary words. We also learned how to blend and read r-controlled -or words spelled -or, -ore, and -oar. In addition we worked on asking and answering questions as we read a nonfiction stories about inventions. Finally, we read a nonfiction piece about a robot inventor. 

In Math class we reviewed telling time to the hour. Today we learned how to write the time using digits. The students found this to be pretty easy. 

The highlight of the day was our Easter show-and-tell event. The students loved reading their clues and having others guess what was inside their egg. I was quite impressed at what they put inside the egg. Thank you for helping them with this project. They really enjoyed it! 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is an early dismissal day. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Pictures of Holy Week!

Greetings on this rainy Tuesday! I know that it is still cold and damp, but looking on the bright side, it isn't snow! 

We continued our look at Holy Week in Religion class today. Our focus for the day was the Three Days: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. We briefly talked about the events on each day and discussed what happens at church on those days. To help us remember the events, we used pictures of the events of those days to make a cross. Here's a look: 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts today. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read r-controlled er, ir, ur, and or words, read and defined words that have the inflectional ending -er, and wrote sentences with our sight words. After that we took our weekly assessment. Finally, we practiced finding adjectives in sentences. We wrapped up the morning by writing about what we hope to find in our Easter baskets. Tomorrow we will be adding our writing to a craft. 

In Math class today, we learned how to tell time to the hour. We used our student clocks to show various times. The students did very well with this! 

Just  a reminder that tomorrow is our Easter show-and-tell event. Don't forget your eggs! 

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Beginning of Holy Week!

Greetings! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and the beautiful sunshine today. 

In Religion class today we began our study on the events of Holy Week. Today's focus was on Palm Sunday, Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. We read about how the people laid palm branches and their cloaks on the ground as Jesus rode into the city. We made our own mosaic palm branch as a reminder of this event. We will continue to look at Holy Week all week in Religion class. 

We began Language Arts class by reviewing our oral vocabulary words. We then used our whiteboards to spell r-controlled er, ir, ur, and or words along with words with the inflectional ending -er. We practiced our sight words and vocabulary words too. After that we partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets and Kitten's First Full Moon, the story we read on Friday. We finished the morning by reading a nonfiction piece about the moon and completing pages in our close reading companion. 

This afternoon we reviewed adjectives. We wrote examples of adjectives for number, size, shape, color, and much more. We then practiced finding adjectives in sentences. Finally, we wrote sentences using these describing words. We ended our day with a fun Easter writing activity. Today the students were given a Peep and wrote about things they would like to do with their new pal. They were very creative in their writing. 

In Math class today, we reviewed our calendar including days of the week and months of the year. This came as no challenge to the students since we do calendar activities every day. We also practiced counting by 10's beginning from 1. We will continue to practice this every day! 

Here is a picture from Friday's Art class! Enjoy! 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

End of a Disjointed Week!

Happy Friday! I will admit that this has been a weird week. Having those two snow days has us confused as to what day it is. Just when we got going again, the weekend is here. Hopefully, next week will be much smoother! 

We began our day with Mass. Today, Fr. Brian celebrated Mass with us. He talked to us about vocations. He reminded us that God calls each of us to our vocation and that we need to listen to God's calling. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, r-controlled er, ir, ur, and or words, sight words, and vocabulary words. We also reviewed words with the inflectional ending -er. After all of that reviewing we partner read a story in our decodable reader. We also read the story Kitten's First Full Moon and completed pages in our close reading companion. 

In Math class today we talked about the calendar. We went over the days of the week, months of the year, and seasons. We used this information to answer questions using the calendar. This was easy for us since we do it every morning during our Math Meeting. 

In Science class today we talked about sound. We said that sounds can be loud or soft. We also said that sound is made when something vibrates. We ended class by drawing examples of sounds that are loud and sounds that are soft. 

We ended our week with Art class. Today our focus switched to Easter crafts. We made an Easter bunny using marshmallows. I'll post pictures on Monday once all of the glue has dried. 

Enjoy your weekend! 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Say It Ain't So!

Greetings! Happy Spring! It is hard to believe that we had yet another snow storm, but it is western Pennsylvania. All things considered, snow isn't that bad. 

In Religion class today we learned that Jesus calls us to be peacemakers. We are peacemakers when we are kind, helpful, and caring towards others. We all agreed to try to be peacemakers. 

Language Arts was full of learning. We reviewed the oral vocabulary words we learned on Monday and answered questions using those words. We also reviewed r-controlled er, ir, ur, and or words; we used our letter tiles to spell and read words. Next we learned about the inflectional ending -er; when added to a verb, it changes the word to a noun. After that we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. Then it was time to apply all that we reviewed. We reread A Bird Named Fern and wrote cause and effect examples from the story. We also read our decodable reader. We ended the morning by reviewing adjectives. 

In Math class today we took our test on addition and subtraction. Beginning tomorrow we will be learning about time. 

In place of Living Stations today (first grade does not go due to the content), we watched the movie The Proud Tree. This movie follows Rex as he goes from being a boastful tree in the forest to humble as he becomes the tree on which Jesus dies on. It is such a touching movie that reminds us about the events of Holy Week. 

We ended our week with Social Studies. Today we learned that people work for money. We also learned that people can work in factories on assembly lines. 

Tomorrow will be a busy day. We have Mass, Library, Art, and a whole lot more. Please remember that our Spelling test has been moved to next Tuesday! 

Good night! 

Monday, March 19, 2018

One Day Closer to Spring!

Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and that you had a chance to enjoy the sunshine. After a beautiful day like today, it is hard to believe that snow is in the forecast. Maybe it is a mistake! 

In Religion class today we talked about how we can share the light of Christ with others. We said that when we share, help, and are nice we are making the world a brighter place. 

We began a new week of learning in Language Arts today. We started by learning our new oral vocabulary words. Next we worked on making predictions as we read a folktale about how the sun and moon ended up in the sky. Then we learned how to blend and read r-controlled er, ir, ur, and or words. After that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. With all this new knowledge, it was time to apply what we learned. We read a fantasy story titled A Bird Named Fern. We ended the morning by working in our literacy centers. 

This afternoon we learned about adjectives which are describing words. We used an apple to come up with different ways to describe it. We learned that colors, shape words, and words that say what kind are all adjectives. 

In Math class today we reviewed addition and subtraction. We know that it is very important to pay attention to the math sign and use our thinking caps when solving the problems. 

This afternoon we were treated to a special program brought to us from the Home and School Association. Thanks to them we learned all about falcons and hawks and were able to see a falcon and hawk up close. 

Just a reminder that book orders are due tomorrow. Enjoy your night! 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Spinning Thinking Wheels!

Greetings! Happy Thursday (and Friday for the students). We had a busy day in first grade. 

In Religion class today we watched a video on the life of St. Patrick. The students learned how St. Patrick became the patron saint of Ireland. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read r-controlled -ar words, spelled irregular plurals, and wrote sentences using our sight words. We then partner read a story in our decodable reader and A Lost Button, our story from yesterday. We then read a short interactive nonfiction piece where we sorted things in the picture. After all of that fun, we completed pages in our close reading companion. We ended class by taking our weekly assessment and reviewing the words used to join sentences (and, but, or, so, because). 

Gym class was another highlight to our day. With several students absent, the remaining students worked on basketball skills, jump roping skills, and hula hoop skills. Everyone had fun. 

In Math class today we used our critical thinking skills to solve problems. I loved seeing them working and the wheels turn as we solved the problems. 

We ended our week with Social Studies. Today we talked about buying, saving, and trading. We all agreed that it is tough deciding between buying something and saving for something. 

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday! 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Typical Learning Day!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a good day on this snowy and windy day. It is hard to believe that spring starts next week with all of this winter weather hanging around. 

In Religion class today we talked about how Jesus is the Light of the World. We said that we call him this because just like light helps us, Jesus is always here to help us. 

Language Arts was busy as usual. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words and r-controlled ar words. We practiced writing the plural form for words that change. We then reviewed our sight words and vocabulary words. After that, we partner read a story from our decodable reader booklets. We also read A Lost Button, a story with two of my favorite characters Frog and Toad. After reading the story we completed pages in our close reading companion. We finished class by reviewing when to capitalize proper nouns. 

In Math class we continued to practice to solve word problems. The key for us is to remember how to add or subtract the number sentences. 

We ended our day by praying the Stations of the Cross. 

Here are some pictures from the week. One is from the St. Patrick's Day writing we did on Monday. The other shows the pirates we created. Each pirate is holding a list of r-controlled ar words. 

Tomorrow will be another busy day. It is gym day so please remember your sneakers. Our Spelling test is also tomorrow since we do not have school on Friday. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A Special Show-and-Tell!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! Today another another busy day in first grade. Today we practiced our lockdown, shelter in place, and severe weather drills. The students knew what to do and did each practice drill well. I am quite proud of them! 

In Religion class today we wrapped up our chapter on Baptism. We reviewed what happens during the sacrament and the special gifts we receive. We ended class by participating in a special show-and-tell. It was really special to see all of the pictures, candles, certificates, and white outfits. Thank you for all that you did for this! 

In Language Arts today, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We also used our letter tiles to spell and read r-controlled -ar words. Next we learned about irregular plurals, words that change to mean more than one. After that we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. 

This afternoon we reread A Barn Full of Hats and wrote the point of view from three different characters in the story. After that we read our decodable reader and answered questions on the story. We finished the day by using the words and, or, and but to join sentences. 

In Math class today we practiced solving addition and subtraction word problems. We learned what key words to look for and what those key words mean. 

Enjoy your night! 

Monday, March 12, 2018

Speaking Like Pirates!

Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing weekend. Today was a great start to the week. 

In Religion class we continued our study of Baptism. Today we learned that we wore white as a reminder that we are a follower of Jesus. We also received a candle at Baptism to remind us that we are to walk in Jesus' light. Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Baptism show and tell event. 

We began a new week of learning in Language Arts. Today we learned new oral vocabulary words. We then worked on making predictions as we read a fantasy story. Next we learned how to blend and read r-controlled ar words; ar makes the sound like a Pirate does. After that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. With all this new knowledge, it was time to put it to the test. We read a fantasy story called A Barn Full of Hats. We ended the morning by completing St. Patrick theme writing. We wrote about when we feel lucky and added our writing to a leprechaun craft. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we learned how to join sentences together with the words and, but, or, so, and because. We also worked in our literacy centers to build our fluency and comprehension. 

In Math class we continued to practice adding three one-digit numbers. The students are very good at doing this and are beginning to learn their math facts. 

Have a wonderful night! 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Wild About Learning!

Greetings! Friday was a great day of learning, even though it was a short day. The excitement could be heard from the moment they walked in the door. At times, it was loud in the classroom, but that was ok. Who said learning has to be quiet? 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read long e: ey, y words and compound words, used our vocabulary words in sentences, and wrote sentences using our sight words. We ended class by taking our weekly assessment. 

Today also marked the end of our Dr. Seuss celebration. Today we read Green Eggs and Ham. After reading the story, we wrote who we would eat green eggs and ham with. We really enjoyed this week. It was quite evident in library today; everyone took home a Dr. Seuss book. Happy Reading! 

In Math class today we learned how to add three one-digit numbers. We first add two numbers and then add on the third number. We will continue to practice this on Monday. 

Science class was loads of fun. We learned about the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch). We did experiments with 4 of the 5 senses. For sight, the students looked at a tray of objects for 10 seconds and then had to draw everything on the tray. For hearing, the students listened to objects hidden in plastic eggs and had to guess what was inside. For smelling, the students had to smell different liquids, and for touch the students felt different objects and had to guess what they were. They just loved exploring their senses today. 

We wrapped up our day with Art class. Today we made shamrocks. The students glued pieces of green scrapbook paper on top of a shamrock. They look awesome: 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Working Together!

Greetings on this sunny Thursday. It was sure nice to see the sun shine today especially after yesterday. Even though it is not a warm sun, it is nice just seeing it. 

Today in Religion class we looked at the words said during Baptism. We learned that these words are said at all Baptisms including our own. We then role played a Baptism using a baby doll. 

Language Arts was full of learning today. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words and reading long e: ey, y words. Next we practiced reading compound words and then building compound words. Students worked in groups to put compound words together. Each group was given a basket of halves of Easter eggs with words on them. They worked cooperatively to put the eggs together. I just loved watching them work so nicely with each other. After that we read our word wall to review our sight words. 

Our focus then switched to reading. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets and Koko and Penny, our story from yesterday. We then read a nonfiction piece about helping gorillas and completed pages in our close reading companion. We finished the morning by finding adverbs that tell when in sentences. 

For Gym class today we participated in two activities. We played "Hurl the Pancake". Students placed a bean bag on a racket and tried to toss it into a hoop. It was harder than it seemed, but they enjoyed the challenge. We then played our favorite, "Alligator, Alligator". 

In Math today we reviewed subtraction one last time. Tomorrow we will begin to learn how to add three one-digit numbers. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we learned the difference between goods and services. 

Today's Dr. Seuss book was Horton Hears a Who! After reading the story we wrote what we would have told the Who's. We added our writing to a craft. Have a look: 

Tomorrow will be an exciting day! Have a great night!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A Snowy Start!

Greetings! I hope everyone is well tonight. It sure was a snowy commute this morning. Thankfully everyone arrived safely, and we had a great day. I hope the same is true for you. 

In Religion class today, we continued our talk on Baptism. Today we learned that water is an important part of the sacrament. We also talked about how we received God's grace when we were baptized. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, practiced reading long e: ey, y words, and compound words. We also reviewed our sight words and vocabulary words. After all that reviewing it was time to read. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklet. We then read a nonfiction story about a gorilla and his zookeeper titled Koko and Penny. After reading the story we completed pages in our close reading companion. We wrapped up class by reviewing adverbs that tell when; we practiced using them in sentences.  

In Math class, we again continued to practice subtraction. Today we focused on when and when not to regroup. We are getting much better at this. 

We completed two Dr. Seuss projects today. First, we finished the one from yesterday. The students created an animal to put into the McGrew Zoo. I just loved seeing their creativity. Then, today, we read Oh! The Places You'll Go. Afterwards we designed our own suitcase detailing where we would like to go, what we will take with us, and who will go with us. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Thursday and Gym day. Also, for those who turned in their Hawk Walk packet, it is a jean day for them. Have a good night! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Delayed Start to Learning!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! Today started off a bit crazy in first grade but then settled down. The students had back-to-back specials to begin the day. They went to Computers followed by Guidance. So, it took us a little bit to start the day. 

In Religion class we began our study on the sacrament of Baptism. We learned that when we were baptized we became of child of God and members of the church. 

As usual, Language Arts was full of learning. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words. Then we used our letter tiles to spell long e words spelled -ey or -y. We then learned how to blend and read compound words. We finished our morning by using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. 

This afternoon we reread From Puppy to Guide Dog and sequenced the steps in how a dog goes from puppy to a helping dog. Then we read our decodable reader and sequenced the events in that story. 

We continued to practice subtraction with regrouping in Math class. The students are getting good a borrowing. We just need to remember when we need to regroup. 

Today's Dr. Seuss story was If I Ran the Zoo. Unfortunately, we were only able to listen to the story. We will do our activity tomorrow. 

We ended our day with Stations of the Cross. 

Tomorrow will be another exciting day in first grade! 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Surprise Break!

Greetings! Welcome back after that three day weekend. I was not expecting to be off on Friday; I do hope you were able to relax and find some fun things to do. We had an awesome day in first grade! 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we wrapped up our chapter on Jesus giving us the sacraments. Tomorrow we will begin looking closer at the sacrament of Baptism. 

Language Arts was full of learning. We began by wrapping up what we learned last week. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read long i words, spelled words with inflected endings when the y is changed to an i, and took our weekly assessment. 

Then we began a new week of learning. We learned our five new oral vocabulary words. Next we practiced visualizing as we read a fiction story about a dog trainer in China. Then we learned how to blend and read long e words spelled ey or y. After that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. After all of that we put our skills to the test. We read a nonfiction piece titled From Puppy to Guide Dog. Finally, we finished our paragraph we started last week on why we love recess. 

To end our morning, we actually did Friday's art project. I had everything ready to go and couldn't see putting it away. So, we made a Cat in the Hat in honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday. 

This afternoon in Language Arts, we learned about adverbs that tell when and practiced finding them in sentences. We then worked in our literacy centers to build our fluency and comprehension skills. 

In Math class today we learned how to subtract with regrouping. That is when we trade a ten for ten ones. The students did well with this. We will continue to practice tomorrow. 

In honor of Dr. Seuss, we will be celebrating his life and books all week. Each day we will read one of his stories and complete an activity that correlates to the book. Today we read The Sneetches. After reading we talked about how each one of us is special and wrote about something special we can do. 

Enjoy your night! 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Welcome March!

Greetings! Happy March! It is hard to believe that another new month is upon us. Today was another great day of learning in first grade. 

In Religion class, we reviewed the seven sacraments. To help us remember them, we created a cross with a symbol for each sacrament on it. They will be coming home tomorrow. 

Language Arts class was full of learning. We began by reviewing how to use see and saw in sentences. Then we answered questions using our oral vocabulary words, read long i words, spelled word with inflected endings when the y is changed to an i, and read the word wall. After that we partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets as well as Hi! Fly Guy. We finished the morning by reading a nonfiction piece about insects and completing pages in our close reading companion. 

Gym class was another success today. Today we practiced dribbling basketballs. We started by standing in place; then we walked the length of the floor before running and dribbling. We ended by practicing running and dribbling and see which team was faster. They sure do love basketball! 

Our focus in Math class today switched from addition to subtraction. Today we learned how to subtract two digit number without regrouping. The key is to remember to count back when solving these problems. 

We ended today with a special Science class. In honor of Dr. Seuss we read Bartholomew and the Oobleck. We then got to touch Oobleck. They loved getting messy! 

Tomorrow is going to be busy. Get some sleep!