Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A Snowy Start!

Greetings! I hope everyone is well tonight. It sure was a snowy commute this morning. Thankfully everyone arrived safely, and we had a great day. I hope the same is true for you. 

In Religion class today, we continued our talk on Baptism. Today we learned that water is an important part of the sacrament. We also talked about how we received God's grace when we were baptized. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, practiced reading long e: ey, y words, and compound words. We also reviewed our sight words and vocabulary words. After all that reviewing it was time to read. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklet. We then read a nonfiction story about a gorilla and his zookeeper titled Koko and Penny. After reading the story we completed pages in our close reading companion. We wrapped up class by reviewing adverbs that tell when; we practiced using them in sentences.  

In Math class, we again continued to practice subtraction. Today we focused on when and when not to regroup. We are getting much better at this. 

We completed two Dr. Seuss projects today. First, we finished the one from yesterday. The students created an animal to put into the McGrew Zoo. I just loved seeing their creativity. Then, today, we read Oh! The Places You'll Go. Afterwards we designed our own suitcase detailing where we would like to go, what we will take with us, and who will go with us. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Thursday and Gym day. Also, for those who turned in their Hawk Walk packet, it is a jean day for them. Have a good night! 

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