Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A Wonderful School Year!

Greetings for the final time this school year. We had a fabulous last full day of school in first grade. 

In Religion class today we talked about how the church honors Mary with special titles, feast days, and with prayers. In Social Studies, we created a flipbook with some of the American symbols. And in Science class, we sorted objects based on whether or not they come from trees. 

Then it was time to clean. The students are really good cleaners. They really helped me out. They scrubbed white boards, chalkboards, organized word cards, and put together the linking cubes. I really appreciated all of their help. 

To end our year, we watched Ralph Wrecks the Internet. They really enjoyed the movie. 

Thank you for a fabulous school year. It began as a big change with 23 in one classroom. We soon grew into a small class filled with kindness and love. The students really came together to form a community of learners. 

I loved each and every day with the students. I loved watching them grow in their knowledge. I enjoyed laughing with them, playing with them, and talking to them. I am really going to miss them, They will hold a special place in my heart. 

Thank you for all of your continued support and help this year. Without that, this year would not have been a success. 

I wish everyone a safe and happy summer. I will see you in August! 

With Love,
~Miss Chalich 

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Games and a Movie!

Greetings, everyone on this beautiful Tuesday! I hope everyone is enjoying their week. Just like yesterday, we mixed some fun into the learning. 

We began our day by going to Adoration one last time this school year. We spent time thanking God for the wonderful school year and asked him to be with us this summer. 

In Social Studies today we talked about heroes. We began by looking at some American heroes like Sacajawea. Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Cesar Chavez, and Martin Luther King, Jr. We then discussed people who are our heroes. This ranged from our parents, to firefighters, to police men. 

In Science class, we reviewed the needs of plants and parts of a plant. We then sorted foods based on what part of the plant they are. 

Then it was time for Language Arts. Today we created an i-Pod and wrote about our next track: second grade. The students wrote why they are excited for second grade. 

We ended our morning by playing our board games. The students just loved this and I loved watching them. They sat and played so nicely together. I just loved seeing them interact in such a kind, caring manner. 

This afternoon we again watched a movie. Today we watched Lilo and Stitch

Tomorrow is our last full day of school. We will be doing a lot of cleaning. The students can wear shorts and sandals to school tomorrow! 

Monday, June 3, 2019

Happy June!

Greetings! Today marks the beginning of the end. It is our last week of school. But, there is still work to be done. 

We began our day with our Awards program. The students were recognized for all of the hard work they did all school year. As I was signing the certificates yesterday, I just couldn't help but think about how far these children grew this year. They are an amazing group of students. I can't wait to see what their future holds. 

In Religion class today we talked about how Mary cared for and loved Jesus and how Jesus wants us to love Mary. 

In Social Studies today we talked about the rights of citizens. We said that one of those rights is the right to vote. We then held our own election. The students voted for the book they would like to hear tomorrow. The winner, by one vote, was Moosekitos: Family Reunion

In Science class today we talked about the different parts of a flower and the job of each part. 

In Math class today we practiced counting quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. We also practiced showing various amounts using these coins. The students are doing very well counting money. 

Finally, it was time for Language Arts. We did a writing project today. The students wrote about what they are excited to do this summer. Then, we had our Cuddle and Snuggle Reading event. The students, with their furry friends, shared their books. I just loved listening to each of them read. They have truly become fluent readers. 

This afternoon was Movie time. Today we watched Sherlock Gnomes

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our game day. Don't forget your game!