Thursday, September 5, 2019

Picture Day!

Greetings! Well, excitement was in the air today in first grade. We were quite excited for picture day. We could hardly wait to have our pictures taken and could not contain the excitement once we did! 

In Religion class today we talked about how God uniquely created us and made us different from the plants and animals. We are able to love, know, and serve God and others. 

We had a busy day in Language Arts. Class was interrupted by pictures and Guidance. So, we had to continue the learning this afternoon. This morning, we practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We then used our dry erase markers and a whiteboard to spell and read short a words and words with the inflected ending -s. After that we partner read a story in our decodable reader. Following that we talked about what we can learn from photographs in a story. We ended the morning by writing sentences correctly. 

This afternoon we partner read Nat and Sam. We also read a nonfiction piece about school rules and completed pages in our close reading companion. To end our day, we created a short a apple tree. On each apple, we wrote a short a word. It was a good way to end our day. 

In Math class today we reviewed concepts related to the numbers 1-10. Tomorrow we will be taking our first Math test of the year. 

Tomorrow will be a busy day. We have Mass which will include the blessings of bookbags. We also have our first Spelling test. We will be visiting the library. And we have Art. Lots of doings' going on! 

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