Monday, November 16, 2020

Action Verb Heroes!

 Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. By the sounds of it, the children really had fun. I really do enjoy hearing their stories every morning. 

In Religion class today we read the Easter story. We read about how Jesus died and then rose to new life on Easter Sunday. We also talked about how Alleluia is a word of praise. 

We began Language Arts by reviewing our oral vocabulary words we learned last week. We then learned three new words (calendar, occasion, and weekend). Next, we worked on making predictions as we read a nonfiction piece about telling time. After that, we used our letter tiles to spell and read long a words. Following that we learned how to spell contractions with the word not and read them. Next, we practiced using our sight words in sentences. Our focus then switched to fluency and comprehension. As we reread Nate the Snake is Late and our decodable reader, we talked about the characters, setting, and plot. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we practiced writing a detailed sentence for a picture. We then pretended to be action heroes and wrote action verbs about what we can do. We then got to design our superhero costume. 

In Math class today, we learned about patterns. We used our pattern blocks to make various patterns. 

Here are pictures from Friday's art project. And just a reminder book orders are due tomorrow. Have a great night! 

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