Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Watermelon Day!

 Greetings! Happy Watermelon Day! It was another exciting day in first grade. 

In Religion class today, we talked about ways that we can honor the saints. We created a saint spinner. The students are encouraged to use it as a way to honor the saints. 

In Language Arts today, we completed 2 more pages in our memory book. We also had our show and tell event. The students loved sharing their items with their friends. 

In Math class today we practiced adding to find the total cost of two items. We also practiced subtracting to find out how much change we would receive. 

We also had a special Art class today. The students created an ocean scene using pictures and Cheerios. They turned out great. Have a look: 

Then, it was time for Watermelon Day! We learned about the life cycle of watermelon. We also labeled a diagram of a watermelon. After lunch, we sampled different melons: watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon. We graphed our favorite and answered questions about it. After that, we sorted watermelon-related words based on whether they were a noun, verb, or adjective. Finally, we spelled as many words as we could using the letters in 'watermelon seed'. We had tons of fun today! Here are pictures from our day: 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a dress down day. Students may wear shorts and sandals to school. Have a great night. 

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