Tuesday, December 7, 2021

"It's Fun to Shop!"

 Greetings! Today was another exciting day in first grade. We got to visit the Secret Santa shop and buy some presents for our family. Needless to say that we had fun picking out the presents and wrapping them. I hope they have all made it under the tree! 

Because of Secret Santa shopping, our Religion class was shortened. We did watch our Brother Francis video. Today's message was about praise. We are encouraged to tell others thank you for all that they do for us. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary and used our sound boxes to segment words into sounds. We also practiced reading long i words, plurals, and our sight words. 

This afternoon we focused on fluency and comprehension in Language Arts. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets. We also read a play titled The Big Yuca Tree. The students really enjoyed reading plays this week. After reading our play, we sequenced the events in the story. Finally, we practiced using present tense verbs in sentences. 

In Math class today we continued practicing solving patterns. We also practiced finding 1 or 2 more or 1 or 2 less than a number. Finally we practiced putting numbers in order from least to greatest and from greatest to least. It was a busy class. 

Today, Jingles brought the students stickers from Santa for a job well done yesterday. Didn't they do a fabulous job? I hope you enjoyed the show! 

Here a pictures of Jingles from yesterday and today! Have a good night! 

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