Monday, February 28, 2022

Dr. Seuss Week!

 Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Thank you so much for helping with our Remote Learning Day on Friday! 

In Religion class today, we began our study on Lent. We talked about how this church season is 40 long and how during this time we want to grow closer to Jesus. We do this through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. 

We picked up where we left off at in Language Arts. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, practiced reading long e words, compound words, and our sight words. To build our fluency and comprehension, we partner read a story from our decodable reader booklets. We also read a story about saving mountain gorillas and completed pages in our close reading companion that focused on main idea. Finally, we practiced finding adverbs that tell when in sentences. 

In Math class today, we began to learn how to subtract without regrouping. We are really good at starting with the ones. Now we have to remember to count backwards. 

This week is Read Across America Week, a week devoted to the love of reading and the love of Dr. Seuss. Every day this week we will read a Dr. Seuss story and complete an activity that goes along with it. Today we read If I Ran the Zoo. After reading the story, we created our own animals for this new zoo, gave them a name, and wrote about where they live and what they eat. I just loved the children expressing their creativity. Dr. Seuss would be proud! 

Have a great night! 

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