Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Welcome to First Grade!

 Welcome to First Grade for the 2022-2023 school year! I am so excited to begin working with the students. We had an awesome day today, and I can't wait for the many more to come! 

Each night, I will be posting on our classroom blog. Here you will read about the learning that we did that day as well as enjoy any pictures from the day! I hope you enjoy! 

We started today by unpacking all of our supplies. We put our pencil boxes together, stored away our extra supplies, and stuffed our desks with our books. 

Then, we read The Pigeon Has To Go To School. After reading the story we talked about the different emotions we felt coming to school today. To help ease our worries, we enjoyed some "Pigeon Punch". Next, we talked and wrote about why we come to school. We added that to a craft.

 Following that, we got to know each other a little better. We played a version of musical chairs. When the music stopped, the person standing had to answer a question about themselves. I have had numerous requests to play this again. We then completed a banner showing a little about ourselves. 

After lunch, recess, and Spanish, we practiced writing the letters of the alphabet. We also had our very first Math Meeting. Every day, we will meet to review concepts related to the calendar, counting, and graphing. 

We ended our day writing about our favorite part. We are all excited for tomorrow! Have a great night! 

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