Monday, January 9, 2023

Snowflake Art!

 Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing weekend. 

In Religion class today, we continued to look at the story of the three Wise Men. Today we talked about what gifts we could bring to baby Jesus. 

We continued on with our week of learning in Language Arts. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, read long vowel words, CVCe syllable words, and our sight words. To help us build our fluency and comprehension, we partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets. We also read a nonfiction piece about the history of transportation. After reading that story, we completed pages in our close reading companion that focused on main idea and sequence. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we reviewed and practiced using the verbs is and are in sentences. 

In Math class today, we reviewed subtracting within 20. We practiced solving problems with a partner. 

Here is a picture from our snowflake Art project on Friday! Enjoy! 

Have a great night! 

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