Tuesday, October 3, 2023

A Beautiful Day!

 Greetings! Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine and warmth today. Today is a day that you would like to bag up and open when the weather is cold and dark. 

We went to church for Adoration today. We spent some quiet time praying to Jesus. When we came back, we prayed the second decade of the Joyful Mysteries. 

This morning, we heard from Brenda Garcia. She talked to us about her Catholic faith and about her movies. 

We were able to continue with our week of learning in Language Arts today. We reviewed the oral vocabulary words we learned yesterday and then learned three new words (difficult, exhausted, and agree). We also worked on asking and answering questions as we read a fable. We ended the morning by using our letter tiles to spell and read r-blend and s-blend words. 

This afternoon in Language Arts, we learned about possessives. We also used our sight words in sentences. Finally, we worked on our comprehension as we wrote details from Move and Grin and from our decodable reader. 

In Math class today, we reviewed all of the subtraction strategies we learned. We will now put them to work as we solve word problems. 

Here is a picture from our Art project on Friday. 

Have a great night! 

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