Wednesday, November 8, 2023

New Technology Home!

 Greetings! Happy Wednesday! Today was a very exciting day in first grade as we took home our new Chrome books tonight. We are very excited about that! 

In Religion class today we talked about how God asked Abraham to move to a new country. We learned that Abraham was very obedient to God and did what he asked him to do. 

We wrapped up our week of learning in Language Arts. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences and wrote sentences using our sight words. To review words with digraphs sh, th, and ng and closed syllable words, we played Stinky Feet where we had to read words to clean the foot. The students enjoyed that. Finally, we took our weekly assessment. 

In honor of Veteran's Day, we wrote about why veterans are heroes and added our writing to a craft. Here it is:

This afternoon in Language Arts we wrote a detailed sentence about a horse. 

In Math class today, we began our chapter on the numbers 11-20. We looked at the numbers as 10 and how many more. The students did a great job creating this chart showing the numbers and writing the number sentence for each number. 

Have a wonderful night! 

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