Monday, December 11, 2023

Secret Santa Shopping!

 Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I don't know about you, but I could use just one more weekend before Christmas. There is always so much to do! 

We began our day by shopping! The students had so much fun shopping for family and wrapping their presents. We thank the parent volunteers for organizing everything and helping with the shopping and wrapping. 

Once we finished shopping, it was time to begin our day of learning. We began with Religion class. Today we talked about how God chose Mary to be the mother of his Son. We talked about how Mary is immaculate, meaning she never sinned. 

We began a new week of learning in Language Arts; this week we are reading and learning about folktales. We began by learning two new oral vocabulary words (tale and hero). Next, we worked on retelling as we listened to Interrupting Chicken. After that we learned how to blend and read words with soft c, soft g, and -dge words. Then we practiced our new sight words. Finally, we put our new skills together as we read The Nice Mitten

This afternoon in Language Arts we learned about past and future tense verbs. We learned that most past tense verbs end in -ed and that future tense verbs contain the word will. We also continued to work with soft c and soft g words; we sorted words based on the sound c and g made. 

In Math class today we learned and practiced a new subtraction strategy. We practiced subtracting by grouping into 10's. 

Jingles had fun over the weekend. Look what he made:

Have a marvelous night! 

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