Greetings! Happy 100th Day of School! It is hard to believe that we are already celebrating 100 days of learning. It feels like we just begun!
Before our big celebration, we had some learning to do.
We began our day at Mass with our Faith Families. After Mass, we were treated to hot chocolate and Oreos. What a great way to end our Catholic Schools Week celebration.
In Math class today, we continued to practice adding two two-digit numbers. We are getting better at this.
In Science class, we learned about how light is used to send signals. We used flashlights and colors to tell a partner what action to do. Thank you for sending in flashlights to help with this activity!
After lunch and recess, it was time to celebrate! We colored a candy jar filled with 100 marbles. The best part is that we got to use markers to do this.
Finally, we created a self portrait of us at 100 years old. The students loved crinkling the paper to give themselves wrinkles. After creating our portrait, we wrote about something we would do when we are 100 years old.
And, of course, we could not forget about Sunday: Groundhog Day! We each made a prediction of whether or not Phil will see his shadow. We are spilt between early spring and 6 more weeks of winter.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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