Friday, September 14, 2012

Fantastic Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone! We had a busy yet fun day in first grade. We visited the library for the first time. Our librarian reminded us how to treat books and then we got to pick out a book to take home and read. Just a quick note about the library books, all library books need to be returned to school by next Friday. 

In Religion class, we have been talking about the Blessed Trinity. Today, we made a triangle ornament with the names of the three persons in the Blessed Trinity. Here is a picture of our craft. 

In Art class, we made fall trees by cutting apart pieces of orange, yellow, and red construction paper and gluing them onto trees. I think they turned out fabulous. The students were so creative with this project. Here are pictures of their artwork. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog , thank for many great ideas to share with the kids.
