Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mid-Week Happiness

I wish to begin today by thanking you all so much for coming to the Open House tonight. I loved meeting with all of you, talking to you, and hearing your feedback. I hope you enjoyed seeing the classroom, and if I you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to ask. 

Now onto our school day . . . Today in first grade we read a funny story about a pig who ate too much and got sick. The end of the story really made us laugh. In Math class, we acted out 'some, some more' stories and 'some, some went away' stories. To end our day, we completed a Who am I? writing prompt where we wrote things about ourselves. The catch is our name is not on the paper, so others have to guess who we are. After they guess, they can lift the page to see a self portrait of ourselves. It was a fun way to end the day! 

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