Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Reading, Math, and Christmas too

Today was another great and busy day in first grade. 

We started our day with Religion class where we talked about how Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to his followers. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed long e, long u, inflected endings, and sight words before reading our story. This week we read a nonfiction story called Life in the Forest. The students enjoyed reading about the animals and plants that call the forest their home. 

During Math class today, we practiced adding 2 to even numbers. We also identified all of the even numbers to 100. 

In Social Studies class today, we talked about the countries that neighbor the United States. We talked about how Canada, the United States, and Mexico are alike and different. 

To end our day, we participated in various relay races during gym class. We learned that it is more important to have fun than it is to win. 

Throughout this week and next, the students will be completing various Christmas projects. Yesterday, we read the story Santa's Stuck. Today the students wrote what they would do if Santa was stuck in their chimney. They then created artwork that correlates to the story. Here are some finished products. 

Here is a picture of the gingerbread men the students created in Art class last Friday. Aren't they adorable? 

Finally, on a side note, I have to show you some decorations in the classroom. Mrs. Link bought me a Charlie Brown tree and St. Nick gave me the Peanuts characters that go with it. Isn't it adorable? 

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