Monday, June 2, 2014

Cleaning Day!

Hello, friends! It is hard to believe that today was the last full day of school. I'm not ready for this year to be over quite yet. 

We had a beautiful closing Mass with Msgr. Lockard today. He reviewed events with the students that occurred during the past school year. It was nice taking a trip down memory lane. 

After Mass, we had our Awards Ceremony. Students were honored for their academic work this year. I am so proud of them for how hard they worked and how far they have grown. 

Then it was time to clean. We cleaned out our desks and helped organize things in the classroom. The classroom looks quite bare tonight. 

This afternoon, Brother Franklin from Haiti visited with us. We presented him a check for the money we raised during Lent. He talked to us about how he uses that money and spent time answering questions. 

Tomorrow's dismissal is at 10:00. Students may wear shorts and sandals; they cannot wear tank tops. 

Have a great night! 

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