Saturday, May 31, 2014

Final Friday

Happy Friday! I just can't believe that the last week of school has come and gone. It feels like we just started the week and here we are done. We did have a fantastic, fun day in first grade. 

In Religion class today we wrapped up our study on Mary and the Saints. We worked with a partner to write a pray to Mary. The students did a great job with this. 

Language Arts was a mixture of review and fun. We reviewed the phonics sounds aw, au, short e: ea, prefixes un- and re-, and long i and o words. We also practiced our sight words. We then partner read our story. To review the literary elements from it, we made a kite and illustrated the characters, setting, problem, and solution. In addition we wrapped up our study of pronouns. 

For writing today, the students made ice cream cones. On each scoop, they wrote something they learned this year. Here are some examples. 

In Math class today we reviewed our math facts and took a written test. We all agreed that Math class was fun this year especially when we used the linking cubes. 

During Science class today we talked about products we get from plants. 

We had our last Art class of the year today. The students are quite sad to not be having Art for awhile. Today we made suns using our handprints. 

We ended our day with our games. Thank you so much for sending in games. The students had so much fun playing with their friends. I love how well they worked together and loved seeing the smiles on their faces. It was a great time. 

On Monday please join us for Mass at 9:00. Following that will be the Awards Ceremony. And yes, everyone will receive something. I hope to see you there! 

Have a great weekend!

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