Friday, August 29, 2014

First Week Completed

Happy Friday! It is hard to believe that the first week of school has come and gone. It has been an exciting week in first grade. We are learning routines and are starting to dive into the curriculum. I am really looking forward to spending the year with the students and watching them grow in their learning. 

We started today with Religion class. Today we focused on how God created us to know, love, and serve him. We also talked about how God wants us to care for the Earth. 

In Language Arts class, we learned to blend and read words with final -ck. We practiced this skill by spelling -ck words and reading a decodable reader. We also received our very first Spelling word list today. We are going to practice these words all week and will take a test on them next Friday. 

During Math class today we practiced writing the numbers 2, 3, and 7. 

On Fridays, we will have Science class. Today we talked about classifying animals. After discussing the various ways to sort animals, the students were given a worksheet with animal pictures on it. They had to sort the animals into two groups. All did a wonderful job with this task. 

We ended the day with Art class. For our very first art project, students used pieces of construction paper and glued them over letters in their name. They then added decorations around their name. These name posters will be coming home on Tuesday for you to enjoy. 

I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. See you on Tuesday!  

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Happy Thursday!

Happy Thursday everyone! I hope you are having a good week. It is hard to believe that tomorrow is the end of the first week of school. 

In Religion today we talked about creation. We learned that God created everything in the world. 

During Language Arts class today, we reviewed short a words. Using letter tiles, we spelled short a words. We also talked about who characters are in a story. Finally, we discussed what makes a complete sentence. 

In Math class today, we again used linking cubes. Working with a partner, students built towers for the numbers 1-9. We then practiced putting the numbers in order. 

Tomorrow will be full of excitement as we have our first Art class of the year! Have a good night! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Hot Day

Greetings! Today was a good day in first grade. Today was really the first day that it got hot in our room. We did work through it but are waiting for some comfortable temperatures! 

We began our first reading story today by learning and reviewing some phonics skills. We used sound boxes to help us segment and blend words. We also reviewed the sound of short a. We practiced together, completed a workbook page, and read a decodable reader. I encourage you to read the booklet with your child to help build fluency. 

In Math class today we practiced writing the numbers 1, 4, and 5. 

For gym class, we took advantage of the sunshine and warm weather to play outside. Even though we were hot, it was still fun to exercise with our friends on the playground. 

We ended our day with Social Studies class. Today we talked about our families and things we learn from them and things we do to help each other. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Second Day!

Greetings, everyone! Day number two was just as fabulous as day number one. I am really proud of how well the students are listening and following directions. 

We began today by reading the story You Are Special. This story reminded us that God made each of us special and he loves us no matter what others think. We talked about how we are all special and what we can do to show others kindness. 

We did some reviewing in Language Arts class. We reviewed syllables and rhyming words. We also reviewed the sight words we learned in kindergarten. 

In Math class today we used linking cubes to build towers for the numbers 1-5. 

We ended the day by reading on of my favorite stories The Little Engine That Could. We talked about how when things get hard we have to believe in ourselves and try. 

As promised here is a picture of the raccoon we made yesterday. I am also posting pictures of our classroom. Enjoy!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Welcome to First Grade!

Welcome to First Grade and our class blog! Every day I will be posting what we talked about in school and sharing the things we learned. I hope you enjoy all that we will be doing this year! 

Today was an exciting day for the students and myself. We were excited to see old friends and meet new friends. The energy in the classroom was amazing! We spent the morning unpacking and organizing our desks. Once that was done, we introduced ourselves to one another and reviewed classroom rules. We discussed what a fantastic first grader does. 

This afternoon, we had our very first Math Meeting of the year. Every day we will gather to review concepts related to the calendar, counting, patterns, money, time, and much more. Today we just focused on the calendar and counting. 

We ended our day by reading The Kissing Hand. We then talked about things we want to learn this year. We used that to create a small craft. I will be posting pictures of them tomorrow. 

I am excited for the upcoming year. If you have questions at any time, please let me know.