Monday, August 25, 2014

Welcome to First Grade!

Welcome to First Grade and our class blog! Every day I will be posting what we talked about in school and sharing the things we learned. I hope you enjoy all that we will be doing this year! 

Today was an exciting day for the students and myself. We were excited to see old friends and meet new friends. The energy in the classroom was amazing! We spent the morning unpacking and organizing our desks. Once that was done, we introduced ourselves to one another and reviewed classroom rules. We discussed what a fantastic first grader does. 

This afternoon, we had our very first Math Meeting of the year. Every day we will gather to review concepts related to the calendar, counting, patterns, money, time, and much more. Today we just focused on the calendar and counting. 

We ended our day by reading The Kissing Hand. We then talked about things we want to learn this year. We used that to create a small craft. I will be posting pictures of them tomorrow. 

I am excited for the upcoming year. If you have questions at any time, please let me know. 

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