Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Second Day!

Greetings, everyone! Day number two was just as fabulous as day number one. I am really proud of how well the students are listening and following directions. 

We began today by reading the story You Are Special. This story reminded us that God made each of us special and he loves us no matter what others think. We talked about how we are all special and what we can do to show others kindness. 

We did some reviewing in Language Arts class. We reviewed syllables and rhyming words. We also reviewed the sight words we learned in kindergarten. 

In Math class today we used linking cubes to build towers for the numbers 1-5. 

We ended the day by reading on of my favorite stories The Little Engine That Could. We talked about how when things get hard we have to believe in ourselves and try. 

As promised here is a picture of the raccoon we made yesterday. I am also posting pictures of our classroom. Enjoy!!

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