Sunday, November 22, 2015

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving!

Greetings! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. We had a good, busy week in first grade this past week. 

In Religion class this week we began by talking about Jesus being called the Good Shepherd. We learned that he is called this because he watches over us and protects us. Next we read about Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. We read about how the people laid palm branches and shouted Hosanna. Then, we talked about how Jesus taught in the Temple in Jerusalem. Finally, we read about Jesus dying and rising to new life. In the midst of all this learning we went to Adoration on Tuesday. It is always nice to spend some quiet time with Jesus. 

Language Arts class was busy this week. On Monday and Tuesday, we wrapped up our story The Big Circle. We reviewed our phonics skills (long o and contractions) and our sight words. We partner our story which helped us build our fluency skills and then sequenced the events in the story which helped us build our comprehension skills. Finally we practiced writing days, months, and holidays correctly. 

Our focused then switched to a new story for the remaining of the week. We learned to blend and read long u, long e, and inflected ending -ed words. We also practiced our sight words. On Friday, we read our story Life in the Forest and talked about the author's purpose for writing it. In addition to the reading, we identified one and more than one noun. We also continued practicing writing steps in a process. We finished writing about how to make a PBJ sandwich and began writing how to brush our teeth. 

During Math class this week, we learned and practiced several new skills. First, we learned how to count dimes. We put dimes on a mat and then practiced counting how much money we had. Next, we learned how to count by 2's. Then, we practiced telling and showing time to the hour. Finally, we solved a problem by drawing a picture. 

We participated in many Thanksgiving activities this week. On Wednesday, we had our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon. The students loved decorating the table, eating turkey with friends, and watching the 5th grade play. We also learned about Pilgrim life this week. We read stories about life as a pilgrim boy and girl. We compared life then to life today and made pilgrim people. Here's a picture of them. 

In Science class this week, we wrapped up our study of living and nonliving things by reviewing what we learned. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. In celebration of Thanksgiving and all of the food we are going to eat, we made a piece of pumpkin pie. Students cut brown and orange construction paper into mosaic pieces and glued them onto a paper plate. We added cotton balls for the whip cream. They look delicious! 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

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