Sunday, November 1, 2015

All Saints' Day and Halloween!

Greetings! We had a busy yet fun and exciting week in first grade. On Thursday, we dressed up as our patron saint for the All Saints' Day prayer service. The students looked so beautiful in their outfits. Thank you for taking the time to put costumes together for them. 

Our week ended with the celebration of Halloween. We dressed up in our costumes, paraded on stage in the cafeteria, and then returned to the classroom to have our Halloween party. There we played a minute-to-win-it game with cotton balls, hid a pumpkin for others to find, played a Halloween version of Head-Bands, and pinned the nose on the jack-o-lantern. We had so much fun Friday afternoon. 

This week was also Red Ribbon Week. Throughout the week, we talked about the importance of saying no to drugs. We also looked at ways to keep our bodies healthy. 

But, in addition to all of the fun activities at the end of the week, we worked hard learning new things and practicing skills we learned. In Religion, we talked about the seasons of the church year. We looked briefly at each season and talked about it and the colors for each season. 

In Language Arts class, we continued to practice reading long a and c/s/ and g/j/ words as well as our sight words. We read The Farmer in the Hat. As we read this story, we worked on finding cause and effect examples in it. We also practiced sequencing events in the story. In addition, we continued to practice writing proper nouns correctly. For writing this week, we wrote about the monster we created. It was great seeing the students use their creativity as they wrote. 

During Math class this week, we learned and practiced new addition facts: the adding 1 facts. We first used linking cubes to help us find the answers. We then practiced these facts using a wrap-up. In addition, we created a bar graph by sorting pattern blocks according to color; we then answered questions about our graphs. Finally, we used linking cubes to help us measure objects including our pencils, crayons, and reading anthology. We will soon be using rulers to help us measure. 

In Science this week, we wrapped up our unit on animals by taking a test. For Art class, we used our handprints to make a vampire. They look scary. 

Have a wonderful weekend! Don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour! 

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