Sunday, December 13, 2015

Beautiful Weather in December

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather. It is so hard to believe that it is December and Christmas is only two weeks away. This was the first time that I ever was able to have Gym class outside in December. It was just too nice on Thursday to stay inside. 

We did and learned many things in Religion class this week. We began the week by watching a video on the life of St. Nicholas. On Tuesday, we went to Mass in honor of the feast of the Immaculate Conception. We then spent the rest of the week talking about Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit came to Jesus' followers. 

Language Arts was quite busy this week too. We finished one story and began another one. At the beginning of the week, we reviewed long vowels: e, ee and syllables VCCV. We read and discussed Honey Bees; the students loved reading and learning about bees. Finally, we practiced finding nouns in sentences. At the end of the week, we practiced new phonics skills. We learned how to blend and decode words with the vowel sounds of y and CV words. We also practiced comparing and contrasting while reading. Our focused also switched in Grammar; we began our study of verbs. This week we are exploring action verbs. For writing this week, we wrote the steps in planting a seed. 

During Math class this week, we practiced drawing lines of symmetry and identifying one half of a whole. We also practiced counting by odd numbers; we do this everyday as part of our math meeting. Then we learned how to number a clockface and show time on a clock. We ended the week by solving a problem by looking for a pattern. 

In Science this week, we talked about solids, liquids, and gases. We sorted objects based on their state of matter. 

We ended the week with a fun Art period. We decorated a classroom Christmas tree. We then made a Christmas tree using strips of green paper. To add some sparkle to our tree, we added white dots of paint to make it look like snow. 

Below are pictures from this week. The first two are from art class: one are the peppermints we made last week and one is of the Christmas trees. The third picture is from phonics class. As we were practicing reading CV words, students were given a word and they sorted the words based on the vowel sound. 

 Enjoy your week!

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