Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! This week was full of Christmas activities. 

In Religion class our focus was the Christmas story. We read and discussed the story. We then made our own manger scene. The students did such a wonderful job coloring, cutting, and putting their scene together. Here are a few examples of how they turned out: 

We ended the week by finishing a candy cane ornament. We turned the candy cane upside down and learned about the legend of the candy cane. They turned out great. Sorry, I forgot to take pictures. 

In Language Arts this week we read three Christmas stories. We read How Santa Got His Job. After reading it, we put in order the different jobs Santa had and identified the different characters in the story. Next we read The Polar Express. After reading this story, we sequenced the events in it and then made Christmas bells. Joyful noise could be heard throughout the primary floor. Finally, we read The Gingerbread Man. We then completed a paper where we drew ourselves as gingerbread boys and girls, drew our house, and wrote what we would run away from. 

During Math class this week, we learned how to measure using nonstandard units. To measure different objects, we used linking cubes. We will soon be using rulers to measure things. 

Before we knew it, it was time to go home for the week. I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2016! 

~Miss Chalich

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