Saturday, May 21, 2016

Our Last Full Week!

Greetings! It is so hard to believe that this school year is quickly coming to a close. We had a busy, fun last full week of school. 

In Religion class this week we talked about the saints. We learned about who they are and how the church honors them. On Tuesday, we took a break from learning to attend Eucharistic Adoration. It is always nice to begin the day spending some quiet time talking to Jesus. 

We read our last story in Language Arts class this week. As I listened to the students read, a smile came to my face. They have grown so much in reading this year. Thank you for encouraging them to read and grow in their love of reading. 

As we read Ben Franklin and His First Kite we practiced blending and reading words with prefixes un- and re- and words with long vowels i and o spelled -ost, -old, ild, and -ind. We also practiced finding the theme of the story. In Grammar we again worked with pronouns. We practiced using them in sentences. And in Writing, we wrote a narrative paragraph about the Hawk Walk. 

During Math class this week, we explored probability by discussing the terms certain, likely, and impossible. We did an experiment with linking cubes to help us understand these words. We then talked about place value and identified place value to the hundreds. Next, we learned four new subtraction facts as we learned how to write addition and subtraction fact families. Finally, we practiced solving a problem by drawing a picture and using a table. 

For Gym class this week, we headed out to the sunshine to enjoy the great outdoors with our friends. We were quite disappointed as this was our last gym class as a first grader. Gym always brought a highlight to Thursday afternoons. 

In Social Studies, we talked about rights and responsibilities citizens have including the right to vote. We then participated in a mock election voting for the favorite big books we read this year in Language Arts. The students will find out the winners next week as each one will be read one a day. 

And in Science, we talked about the needs of plants. We sorted plant needs from plant parts. 

Finally, it was time for Art class, the last one of the year. The students created a beach scene and added some sand to make it look real. Art class was always the perfect way to end the week. Here is one beach scene: 

Of course the highlight this week was our field trip on Wednesday. We began our day at the Quaint Corner Children's Museum. The students enjoyed three floors of fun. There was a vet room, grocery store area, art room, dress-up room, laser room, science rooms, and a giant sandbox with a climbing wall. From there we headed to the Railroaders Memorial Museum. The students enjoyed seeing the trains and watching a movie about the Horseshoe Curve. It was a great day of fun and learning! 

Have  a wonderful weekend! Don't forget about the Snuggle and Cuddle reading on Monday! 

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