Thursday, May 26, 2016

Farewell to First Grade!

Greetings! As the old saying goes . . . all good things must come to an end. It is just so hard to believe that this school year has ended. It went by so fast. Thank you for all of your support throughout the school year. It would not have been successful without you. 

Before leaving for summer break, we had a few more things to learn in first grade. In Religion class we talked about how God made the world and asks us to care for it especially the animals. 

The highlight of Language Arts class this week was seeing which big books were our favorite. The students voted on them last week in Social Studies and the top three were revealed this week beginning with the one in third place. In third place was Wilford Gordon McDonald Partridge. In second place was A Frog in a Bog and in first place Mrs. Chicken and the Hungry Crocodile

During Math class this week we worked on showing place value by using pictures of hundreds, tens, and ones. We also learned new math facts. 

In Social Studies, we looked at various American heroes and wrote about a person who is our hero. We also explored many American symbols. We made a booklet to help us remember them. 

During Science class we looked at the different parts of a plant that we eat. We also looked at products that come from plants. 

Thank you so much for taking part in the extra celebrations this week. The students enjoyed our Cuddle and Snuggle reading day. It was so neat to hear them read; they have grown so much! Needless to say, they loved the game afternoon. 

I wish everyone a happy, safe summer. Enjoy time with your families and friends. I'll see you in August! 

~Miss Chalich 

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