Monday, April 30, 2018

The End of April!

Greetings! It is hard to believe that another month has come and gone. This month just flew by. It is hard to believe that we are entering our last full month of the school year. 

We began our week with Religion class. Today we wrapped up our chapter on Jesus giving us the Eucharist. We reviewed the events of the Last Supper, talked about the sacrament of the Eucharist, and discussed ways we participate in Mass. 

We began a new week of learning in Language Arts. Today we learned five new oral vocabulary words, six new sight words, and two new vocabulary words. We also worked on rereading as we read a folktale. In addition we learned how to blend and read words with the vowels au, augh, al, and a. We wrapped up the morning by putting our new skills to work as we read a nonfiction story called All Kinds of Helpers

This afternoon in Language Arts we learned about possessive pronouns and identified them in sentences. We sketched pictures for our narrative paragraph about our All Saints' Day Prayer Service. Finally, we worked in our literary centers. 

In Math class we reviewed some math concepts. We practiced identifying the greater and less number in a set, using our comparison symbols, ordering numbers, and finishing number patterns. We really love using our whiteboards in math class. 

Have a great night! 

Friday, April 27, 2018

Bee-utiful Workers!

Greetings! Today was a great end to such a wonderful week in first grade. The students worked hard all week and came each day eager to learn new things. Today was no exception. I love seeing their enthusiasm for learning. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we talked about ways we participate at Mass. We said that we participate in three ways: by praying, singing, and listening. 

We wrapped up another week in Language Arts today. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We then read words with the vowel sound oo and words with the suffixes -ful and -less. Next we wrote sentences using our sight words. After taking our weekly assessment, we reviewed using pronouns in sentences. 

In Math class today we practiced continuing number patterns. The students did a great job at recognizing the pattern and filling in the missing numbers. 

Then it was time for Science class. Today we talked about the words push and pull. The students then worked in groups to design a maze using classroom materials. After their maze was built, they had to blow a ping pong ball through it. They just loved this activity and were so creative in their designs. Here are the mazes: 

We ended the day with Art. Today we made bee-utiful bees. I just love how they turned out and can't wait to display them on Monday. Here they are: 

Enjoy your weekend! 

Thursday, April 26, 2018


Greetings! Happy Thursday! Today was yet another great day of learning in first grade. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we talked about the church's greatest celebration: the Mass. We talked about how we worship God and remember what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, words with the vowel sound ue, words with the suffixes -ful and -less, our sight words, and our vocabulary words. We then partner read a story from our decodable reader booklets and Click Clack Moo. The students just loved reading that story one more time. Following that we read a nonfiction piece about how people worked to change unfair laws and practices; we then completed pages in our close reading companion. Finally we wrote the ending to our narrative paragraph about recess. 

For Gym today, we went outside to the playground. It was just the perfect temperature and setting to get some exercise with our friends. It was a little rough to come inside though. 

In Math class today we compared numbers. We identified the greater number and the least number in a set. We also ordered numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least. Finally, we used the comparison symbols <, >, = to compare numbers. We said that the alligators mouth always needs to be open to the larger number. 

Finally, it was time for Social Studies. Today we talked about why communities have laws. 

Here is a picture of our Earth day project: 

Enjoy your night!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Click Clack Read!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a great week. We sure enjoyed first grade today. 

In Religion class today we talked about how we remember what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper when we celebrate the sacrament of Eucharist. We talked about how the word eucharist means to give thanks and how when we are at Mass we need to thank God for all that we have. 

Language Arts was full of fun and learning today. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words. Next, we practiced reading words with the vowel sound of ue. Then, we practiced reading words with the suffixes -ful and -less; we also practiced adding the suffix to the end of a base word, reading the new word, defining it, and using it in a sentence. Finally we reviewed our sight words and vocabulary words. 

Our focus then switched to reading. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets. We then read Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type. The students loved this story. As we read it, they read it so fluently and with excitement. It was so awesome to hear. After reading the story we completed pages in our close reading companion. 

This afternoon we reviewed the grammar rule concerning I; we remembered that I is always capitalized when it is by itself. We then wrote the middle part to our narrative paragraph about recess. 

In Math class today we practiced identifying more and less than a number. The students are doing a great job at counting forwards and backwards without using a chart. 

We ended the day by talking about Earth Day, which was on Sunday. We read The Lorax and talked about ways we can keep the Earth beautiful. We added our writing to a Lorax craft. I'll post pictures of that tomorrow. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Hard Work Equals Learning!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! Today was a good day in first grade full of hard work and learning. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we reread the story of the Last Supper. We talked about how Jesus shared a meal of bread and wine with the Apostles the night before he died. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words by answering questions using the words. We then reviewed the vowels sound ue by using our letter tiles to spell and read words. Next we practiced reading words with the inflectional endings -ful and -less and how that ending changes the meaning of the words. Following that we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. We wrapped up our morning by rereading Super Tools and writing about the theme in the story. 

This afternoon in Language Arts, we practiced using pronouns in sentences. We also wrote the beginning part to our narrative paragraph about recess. Finally we read our decodable reader and answered questions related to the story. 

In Math class today we focused on place value. Using our base-ten blocks, we showed and identified the place value for various numbers less than 100. 

Just a reminder that book orders are due tomorrow. Enjoy your night! 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Spring Has Sprung!

Greetings on this beautiful spring day! Over the weekend I heard a forecast that was prefaced that the word snow does not appear. Now that is exciting news! 

We began our week with Religion class. Today we did a mini retreat on morality focusing on serving others. We talked about ways to serve in our classroom and at home. The students came up with many good examples. 

Then it was time to begin a new week of learning in Language Arts. We began by learning our new oral vocabulary words. We then learned how to blend and read words with oo, u, u_e, ue, ui, and ou. After that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. We ended our morning by reading a fantasy story titled Super Tools

This afternoon in Language Arts we learned about pronouns. We learned what they are and practiced using them in sentences. Then we sketched out the beginning, middle, and end to our narrative paragraph we will be writing this week. Finally we worked in our literacy centers. 

In Math class today we practiced with the numbers to 120. We wrote them with digits and words. 

Enjoy the sunshine! 

Friday, April 20, 2018

Thinking of Spring!

Greetings! Happy Friday! I hope everyone enjoyed their day. I am sure that everyone is looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully spring will come and stay around this time. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we wrapped up our chapter on forgiveness. We reviewed the story of the Forgiving Father, reminded ourselves that God is always ready to forgive us, and illustrated a picture that shows forgiveness. 

Language Arts was busy as usual as we wrapped up yet another week of learning. We began by using our oral vocabulary words in sentences. Next, we practiced reading words with the diphthongs oi and oy and final stable syllable words. After that we wrote sentences using our sight words. Then we partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets and Building Bridges, the story we read yesterday. Following that we read a short nonfiction piece about tiny houses and completed pages in our close reading companion. This afternoon we took our weekly assessment and practiced using prepositions in sentences. 

In Math class today we practiced writing the numbers from 1-120 using both digits and words. The students did quite well with this. 

For Science class today, we reviewed the concepts we learned about sound, light, and heat. We will begin our unit on motion next week. 

After all that work, it was finally time for Art class. Today we created birds in a nest. They turned out really nice: 

Enjoy your weekend! 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Building Bridges!

Greetings! Today was a good day in first grade. It was hard to get going this morning especially after leaving early yesterday, but once we got going we did not stop. 

In Religion class today we talked about how God wants us to forgive others. We agreed that this is not always easy and that we need to pray to God to ask him to help us do this. One way we talked about showing forgiveness is to do something nice for someone. So, today that is what we did. Each student picked another student's name and drew that person a picture. The students really enjoyed receiving a special picture from a friend. 

Language Arts was busy as usual. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words. Then we practiced reading words with the diphthongs oi and oy and final stable syllable words. We then reviewed our sight words and vocabualry words. Following that we partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets before reading our literature anthology story. Today we read a nonfiction story titled Building Bridges where we learned about unique bridges all over the world. Our favorite one is the Rolling Bridge in London. Following reading the story we completed pages in our close reading companion. We ended the morning by reviewing prepositions and practiced using them in sentences. 

For Gym today we practiced our bowling skills. The students worked together to arrange the pins and knock them down. There was lots of cheering going on. 

We began a new chapter in Math today. Our focus will be on the numbers to 120. Today we used base ten blocks to identify various numbers. The students were great at this. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we reviewed everything we learned about economics. 

Have a good night! 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

10,000 Reasons!

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine today. It was a Wacky Wednesday for us, but none the less we still accomplished a lot in a short amount of time. 

We began our day with Mass. This was a special Mass in the sense we had our Middle States visiting team with us. And it was such a beautiful one. The music was breathtaking. I keep hearing the song 10,000 Reasons in my head. Msgr. Lockard reminded us that we need to include everyone and not let anyone out. 

With it being a short day, our schedule was a bit different. We took a Math test, practiced our Spelling words, and practiced our penmanship. Before lunch we wrote a narrative paragraph. 

I hope everyone enjoys their extended time at home. Don't forget that tomorrow is Gym day. I'll see you tomorrow! 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A Snowy April Day!

Greetings on this snowy April day. I just keep thinking to myself that someday the warm weather will stick around. This cold air will eventually leave. Hopefully that someday is tomorrow. 

In Religion class today we talked about the sacrament of Penance. We talked about how this is the sacrament in which we receive God's forgiveness. We briefly looked at the sacrament, but the students will learn more in depth knowledge next year as the prepare to make their First Penance. 

Language Arts was full of learning today. We began by answering questions using our oral vocabulary words. Then we used our letter tiles to spell and read words with the diphthongs oi and oy. Following that we learned how to blend and read final stable syllable words, also known as C+le words. We ended our morning by using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. 

Our afternoon Language Arts began with us rereading The Joy of a Ship. Afterwards, we sequenced the events in the story, identified the main idea and key details, and wrote examples of cause and effect found in the story. Next, we read our decodable reader. Following that we worked with prepositions. Students worked in pairs to write sentences using prepositional phrases. We ended the day by beginning our narrative writing unit. Today we read Owl Moon and illustrated events in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. We will use our illustrations to help us write a narrative paragraph. 

In Math class today we reviewed solving addition and subtraction problems mentally. Tomorrow we will take a test on these skills. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow will be an early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed at noon. We will also have a special Mass tomorrow. Please join us at 9:00. 

Rainy Monday!

Good morning! I am sorry that this is a morning late, but something came up yesterday. We did have an awesome start to our week. This week we welcome our Middle States review team. They will be here until Wednesday reviewing all that the teachers have worked on for the last 18 months. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we talked about how God is always ready to forgive us. That makes us very happy. 

In Language Arts, we began another week of learning. We learned five new oral vocabulary words, six new sight words, and two new vocabulary words. We practiced asking and answering questions as we read a folktale. We also blended and read words with the diphthongs oi and oy. We finished the morning by reading a nonfiction story titled The Joy of a Ship

This afternoon in Language Arts we worked in our literacy centers to build our fluency and comprehension skills. We also learned about prepositions. 

In Math class today we reviewed solving addition and subtraction problems mentally. We also used our critical thinking skills to solve problems. 

Enjoy your day! 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Spring is Blooming!

Greetings on this absolutely beautiful spring day. After all of those cold, gray winter days, it was so nice to see the sun shining and feel the warm breeze. We waited a long time for a day like today. 

We began our day by attending our prayer service. Following that, we acted out the Forgiving Father story. The students created stick puppets and played each role in the story. They really enjoyed this. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read words with the diphthongs ou and ow, used words with the endings -er and -est in sentences, and wrote sentences using our sight words. We then took our weekly assessment and practiced using a, an, this, and that in sentences. 

For the past two days we have completed some spring writing projects. Yesterday we made a kite and wrote about what we would do if we were a kite. Today we made tulips and wrote about something we do in the spring. With both projects completed, the students selected which one they would like displayed in the hallway. Here is a picture of both projects: 

In Math class today we reviewed adding and subtracting mentally to solve problems. The students worked with a partner to solve problems. 

In Science class today we focused on heat. We talked about things that give off heat and ways heat can move from one object to the other. 

Finally, it was time for Art. Today we made a spring garden. The students painted the grass, stems, leaves, sky, clouds, and sun. They then used cupcake liners for the flowers. This is one of my favorite Art projects of the year. Have a look at our masterpieces: 

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend! 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Signs of Spring!

Greetings on this beautiful Thursday! I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy the weather. The students were so excited to go outside for recess. They have so much energy stored, and they enjoyed letting some of it go! 

In Religion class today we began our chapter on God's forgiveness. Today we read the story about the Forgiving Father. We said that the father in the story is just like God as he is always ready to forgive us. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We then practiced reading words with the diphthongs ou and ow; next we practiced spelling words with the inflectional endings -er and -est and using those words in sentences. After that we read our word wall to review all of our sight words and practiced using our vocabulary words in sentences. Our focus then switched to reading. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets and our story from yesterday, Whistle for Willie. We then read a nonfiction piece about instruments and their sounds and completed pages in our close reading companion. 

For Gym today we went outside to the parking lot. It was so nice to be able to enjoy the fresh air. The students loved every minute of it. 

In Math today we continued to practice solving subtracting problems mentally. The students are doing a great job of remembering to count backwards. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we talked about how oranges grow from the tree to orange juice. 

Enjoy your night! 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Practicing Our Learning!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! We had an awesome day of learning in first grade. I hope all of you had an awesome day too! 

In Religion class today we wrapped up our chapter on Jesus being the Light of the World. We reviewed what that means, ways to share his light, and ways to be peacemakers. 

As usual, Language Arts was full of learning and practice. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words. Next, we blended and read words with the diphthongs ou and ow; we also reviewed how to spell words when the endings -er and -est are added to the words. Finally, we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. 

After all of that practicing, it was time to put our skills to the test. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets. We then read and discussed Whistle for Willie, a realistic fiction story about a young boy trying to learn how to whistle. After reading that story, we completed pages in our close reading companion. We wrapped up class by practicing using a, an, this, and that in sentences. 

In Math class today we continued to solve problems mentally. However, instead of adding today, we subtracted. The key is to remember to count back to solve the problems. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day; please remember your sneakers. Also, because of Middle States preparation, Library will be tomorrow and not on Friday. 

Have a great night! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Terrific Tuesday!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a terrific day. We sure did in first grade! 

After beginning our day with Computer class, we went over to church for Eucharistic Adoration. We spent some quiet time talking and praying to God. It is always nice to start our day off this way. 
In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words by using them to answer questions. We then spelled and read words with the diphthongs ou and ow. After that we reviewed the endings -er and -est; we practiced adding them to words. The key was for us to remember when to double the constant, drop the e, and change the y to an i. Following that we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. 

This afternoon in Language Arts was devoted to building our fluency and comprehension. We  reread Now, What's That Sound and wrote about the problem and solution in the story. We then read our decodable reader and discussed that story's problem and solution. Finally, we reviewed when to use a, an, this, and that. 

In Math class today, we continued to practice solving problems by adding mentally. We did much better today. We will still continue to practice counting on to find an answer. 

Here is a picture from Friday's Art class: 

Enjoy your night! 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Another Wintry Day!

Greetings on this snowy April day! I hope everyone had a great weekend! The students were quite eager to tell me all about their weekend. It sounds like they were very busy. 

We began our week with Religion class. Today we talked about how choices we make need to show our love for God. We learned to ask the question "What Would Jesus Do?" when we are not sure the choice we should make. 

We began yet another new week of learning in Language Arts. Today we learned our new oral vocabulary words. We then practiced asking and answering questions as we read a fiction story about a squeaky bed. Next, we practiced blending and reading words with the diphthongs ou and ow. After that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. We wrapped up the morning by reading a realistic fiction story titled, Now, What's That Sound?. The students really enjoyed making the sounds in the story. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we worked in our literacy centers to build our fluency and comprehension skills. We also learned when to use a, an, this, and that in a sentence. 

We began a new chapter in Math class today. Today we worked on solving addition problems mentally. First, we learned to count on to solve problems. Then we learned how to add 10 to any number. We quickly learned that when we add 10 it is just like counting by 10. We will continue to practice this tomorrow. 

I hope to see everyone at Family Literacy Night. The event begins at 6:00 in the cafeteria. Enjoy your night! 

Friday, April 6, 2018

Happy Friday!

Greetings! Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a fabulous day to end your week. We had a fantastic day to end ours. 

We began our day with Mass. Today Msgr. Lockard reminded us about how because Jesus died for us that one day we too will rise and live forever with him. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts today. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We read r-controlled -or words and wrote abbreviations for words. We then wrote sentences using our sight words. Following that we took our weekly assessment. We ended class by reviewing adjectives that compare. 

In Math class today we wrapped up our chapter on the calendar and time by taking our test. Next week we will begin to solve problems by adding and subtracting mentally. 

Science class was full of energy today. Today we talked about shadows and how shadows are made (when something blocks the light). The students were divided into groups with each group receiving a flashlight. Working as a team, they used their flashlights to make different shadows. They just loved this. 

We ended our day with Art class. Today we created Easter lambs. They are really cute. I'll post pictures next week once all the glue has dried. 

Enjoy your weekend! Don't forget about Family Literacy Night on Monday! 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Creative Learners!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! I hope everyone had a fantastic day. We had a great day of learning in first grade. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we created an Easter scene. The students added a picture of Risen Jesus near the empty tomb. I just loved seeing their creativity. Here is an example: 

We began Language Arts by reviewing our oral vocabulary words. Then we read r-controlled -or words. After that we practiced writing abbreviations for words. We then reviewed our sight words by using them in sentences and our vocabulary words by placing Safe Cracker on the computer. We then switched our focus to building our fluency and comprehension. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets and partner read Thomas Edison, Inventor. Following that we read two poems and completed pages in our close reading companion. We wrapped up class by reviewing adjectives that compare; we practiced using them in sentences. 

Gym class was another success today. For today's class, the students participated in relay races. They had to run, skip, hop, and walk in a zig-zag formation the length of the gym. Our hearts sure got a workout today. 

We did several things in Math class today. We first used our critical thinking skills to solve problems. We then reviewed concepts related to the calendar and to telling time. 

Here are some pictures from some of the Easter activities we did last week and this week. Enjoy! 

Tomorrow will be a busy day in first grade. We have Mass, Library, and Art!

Windy Wednesday!

Greetings on this windy Wednesday! The wind and rain usually mean spring weather; now, if we can just say goodbye to the snow. 

In Religion class today we reviewed the Easter story. We talked about how much Jesus loves us by dying and rising to new life. 

As usual, Language Arts was quite busy today. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words. Next, we practiced reading r-controlled -or words. Following that, we reviewed abbreviations; we practiced matching words to their abbreviations. Then we reviewed our sight words and vocabulary words. Our focus then switched to reading. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklet. We then read Thomas Edison, Inventor, a biography about Thomas Edison. Following that we completed pages in our close reading companion. 

This afternoon we practiced using adjectives that compare in sentences. We also finished working in our literacy centers for the week. 

In Math class today we reviewed telling time to the half hour. The students are getting much better at this. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend! I really enjoyed hearing about the goodies inside the students' Easter baskets. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we began our study of the Easter story. We read the story and reviewed the details of Jesus rising from the dead. 

Next, we jumped into Language Arts. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words we learned last week. Then we used our letter tiles to spell and read r-controlled -or, -ore, and -oar words. After that we discussed abbreviations for various words and practiced using them in sentences. Following that we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. We wrapped up the morning by rereading The Story of a Robot Inventor and writing about the problem and solution in the story. 

This afternoon we read our decodable reader and answered questions about it. We then talked about adjectives that compare. Finally, we worked in our literacy centers. 

In Math class today we learned how to tell time to the half hour. The key is to remember what number the hour hand has passed to help us tell the time. 

Have a great night!