Thursday, April 26, 2018


Greetings! Happy Thursday! Today was yet another great day of learning in first grade. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we talked about the church's greatest celebration: the Mass. We talked about how we worship God and remember what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, words with the vowel sound ue, words with the suffixes -ful and -less, our sight words, and our vocabulary words. We then partner read a story from our decodable reader booklets and Click Clack Moo. The students just loved reading that story one more time. Following that we read a nonfiction piece about how people worked to change unfair laws and practices; we then completed pages in our close reading companion. Finally we wrote the ending to our narrative paragraph about recess. 

For Gym today, we went outside to the playground. It was just the perfect temperature and setting to get some exercise with our friends. It was a little rough to come inside though. 

In Math class today we compared numbers. We identified the greater number and the least number in a set. We also ordered numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least. Finally, we used the comparison symbols <, >, = to compare numbers. We said that the alligators mouth always needs to be open to the larger number. 

Finally, it was time for Social Studies. Today we talked about why communities have laws. 

Here is a picture of our Earth day project: 

Enjoy your night!

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