Thursday, May 10, 2018

Ascension Thursday!

Greetings! It has been a tale of two weathers today. I came to school in a thunderstorm, and as I am writing it is raining again. However, the sun was out during the school day. I just hope that the sun is out tomorrow! 

Today was Ascension Thursday, the day we remember that Jesus went up to heaven. At Mass this morning, Msgr. Lockard reminded us that we still see Jesus in the Eucharist and in each other. Let us be Jesus for others and see Jesus in others. 

In Language Arts today we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We also reviewed words with silent letters and compound words. We wrote sentences using our sight words too. To practice our fluency and comprehension we partner read a story in our decodable reader booklet and Rain School. Finally we read a nonfiction piece about rainy weather and completed pages in our close reading companion. 

For Gym class today we returned to the Gym to play one of our favorite games of the year. The students took turns rolling dice. The first number said what exercise we would do, and the second number said how many we would do. By far, they loved doing push-ups. 

Our focus in Math class switched from addition to subtraction today. We subtracted two two-digit numbers without regrouping. Again, they did this with ease! 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Healthy Hawk Walk. The students will need to wear their Hawk Walk shirt (which was sent home yesterday) and sneakers. They are allowed to wear jeans or shorts. If you have any questions, let me know! 

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