Monday, June 4, 2018

Our Final Days!

Greetings on what will be the last post of the school year. It is hard to believe that another year has come and gone. We did a little bit of learning, a little bit of cleaning, and a little relaxing today. 

In Religion class today we talked about how God created the world and how he wants us to care for it. We said that we do this when we clean up trash, plant flowers, and take care of plants and animals. 

After our final Math Meeting for the year, it was time for Social Studies and Science. In Social Studies we reviewed what we learned about government. And in Science we reviewed what we learned about plants. 

We did one final project in Language Arts. Today we created an iPod. We wrote about the text tract which is second grade and what we are looking forward to learning next year. 

Then it was time to clean. We cleaned our desks and packed away our books. The students also helped clean some other objects around the classroom. In case you didn't know, they are very good cleaners. 

This afternoon we gathered for one final time to watch a movie. Today we watched Paddington 2. And before we knew it, it was time to go home. 

Just a reminder that dismissal is at 10:00 tomorrow. The students may wear shorts and sandals. 

I wish to thank everyone for a fabulous year. I have enjoyed watching the students blossom this year and seeing their smiles every day. I am going to miss the students and can't say I won't get teary-eyed tomorrow when I say goodbye. They are such special children. Thank you for all of your help and support this year. May everyone have a wonderful summer. See you in August!

~Miss Chalich 

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