Monday, August 27, 2018

Happy First Day!

Welcome to First Grade! It was such a great day to kick off the school year!

 And welcome to our classroom blog! Each night I will be posting about all of the learning that took place during the day; I will also post pictures of our activities and projects. I hope you enjoy reading about our daily happenings in first grade! 

We began our day by unpacking and organizing all of our supplies. Thank you so much with your help with everything. I was truly overwhelmed today with all of the supplies. 

After that we read First Day Jitters. We talked about how we can get butterflies the first day of school. To help calm our jitters, we had a cup of jitter juice (a combination of Sprite and Hawaiian Punch). That helped calm all of our nerves. 

We ended the morning by discussing some classroom rules we should follow to help us be fantastic first graders. We used the book David Goes to School to help us. 

This afternoon we practiced writing the alphabet and had our first Math Meeting. We reviewed the calendar, practiced counting, and started our weather graph. 

We ended the day by writing about what our favorite part was. Many of the students wrote that they liked recess and music class. 

Sleep tight!

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