Thursday, November 29, 2018

A Great Busy Day!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! I will admit that it was nice waking up to no snow blowing around today. It made the drive to school much more enjoyable. I am hoping for the same for tomorrow. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we learned about the season of Advent. We learned that during this season we wait and prepare for Jesus' birth. We do this by sharing his light with others. When we help others, are kind, and share we bring Jesus' light into our world. We will be working very hard this Advent to be light for others. 

Language Arts was a busy class today. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We also practiced reading words with the digraphs ch, tch, wh, and ph along with words with the inflectional ending -es. After that we practiced reading our sight words. Then we switched gears. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets before reading Fun with Maps, a nonfiction piece all about maps. After reading that story we completed pages in our close reading companion. We ended the morning by reviewing irregular plural nouns. 

The students were quite excited about Gym today; it has been several weeks since our last class. Today we went to the Gym and played 'Good Ship Spark'. The students performed various loco-motor activities based on the command given. They got a lot of energy out today. 

Math class was action packed. We began by reviewing patterns; the students are excellent with them. Then we used our thinking caps to solve problems. Finally, we reviewed all that we learned about shapes. 

That took us to the end of another great day. Just a reminder that tomorrow is our extra Gym class. We also have library and Art! 

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