Monday, November 5, 2018

Short Weeks Ahead!

Greetings! Happy Monday! Today began a string of short weeks for us. Even though they may be short in length, none of the days will be short on learning. 

We began our day with Religion class and our ARISE magazine. Today we learned the names of the four Gospels as well as the importance on calling upon the Holy Spirit to help us in times of need. After that, we had our good touch/bad touch lesson. We gave examples of good touches (hugs, high fives) and bad touches (hitting, pushing) and talked about what to do when someone touches us in a way that makes us feel uncomfortable. 

In Language Arts we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We then practiced reading words with end blends and the inflectional ending -ing. In addition, we practiced reading our sight words and using them in sentences. Following that we partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets before reading a story from our literature anthology. Today we read a nonfiction piece titled At a Pond. The students sure like reading about animals. This afternoon in class we completed pages in our close reading companion that went along with this story. We ended the day by writing possessive nouns correctly in sentences. 

We began Math class today by practicing writing fact families. Next, we reviewed how to tell if a number sentence is true or false. We did some together, and then students worked with a partner to solve problems. Finally we practiced our adding 0 and 1 facts. 

Have a good night! 

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