Thursday, January 3, 2019

On the Third Day of 2019 . . .

Greetings! I hope everyone's year is off to a good start. We sure are having fun so far in 2019! 

In Religion class today we talked about Jesus dying and rising. We read that Jesus died for us because he loves us. We also learned that Alleluia is a word of praise. 

In Language Arts class, we continued to practice blending and reading words with the soft c ad soft g sound. Today we sorted words based on the g sound. After that, we learned how to blend and read words with the letters -dge. Following that we learned our six new sight words. Then, it was time to read. We read The Nice Mitten, a folktale about animals who find a warm mitten. We finished the morning by learning about past and future tense verbs. This afternoon we wrote the final two steps in brushing our teeth. 

For Gym class today the students participated in various relay races. They cheered each other on as they walked, ran, skipped, and balanced a bean bag. 

In Math class today we continued practicing counting on to find the sums. We are doing much better at counting on larger numbers. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we talked about natural resources and ways to save them. 

Tomorrow is Library day! Don't forget your book! 

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