Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Teacher Appreciation Day!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is staying warm during these chilly days. We had a short day of learning today. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we talked about how Jesus chose Peter to be the leader of the Apostles. 

In Language Arts, we worked in our literacy centers to build our fluency and comprehension skills. 

In Math class we compared the height of objects using the terms tall/taller/tallest and short/shorter/shortest. We also compared the length of objects using the terms long/longer/longest and short/shorter/shortest. We are finding these concepts to be easy. 

Then, it was time for a break in the afternoon. In honor of Teacher Appreciation Day, the students were treated to a movie. Today we watched Incredibles 2. They all really enjoyed it. 

As promised, here is a picture of our penguins. They are so adorable: 

Because of the cold weather, we will not have school on Wednesday and Thursday. All book orders will be due Friday. Please check your child's folder for an updated letter on Catholic School's Week. If you have any questions, please let me know. Stay warm! 

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