Monday, March 11, 2019

The Sunshine!

Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone was able to enjoy the beautiful sunny weather yesterday! Just seeing the sun made me smile. Spring is coming! 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we talked about ways Jesus celebrated God's love. 

We began Language Arts class by working in our literacy centers to build our fluency and comprehension skills. We then began a new week of learning. We learned five new oral vocabulary words (career, soothe, remarkable, advice, and trust). We then worked on visualizing as we read a story about a dog trainer in China. After that we learned how to blend and decode long e words spelled with final -ey and -y. Next we learned our sight words and vocabulary words. We ended the morning by reading From Puppy to Guide Dog, a nonfiction story about guide dogs. 

This afternoon we identified adverbs that tell when in sentences. We also wrote the topic sentence to our paragraph on why we love the zoo. 

In Math class today we practiced adding two two-digit numbers without regrouping. The students did quite well with this. The key is to remember to add the ones first and then the tens. 

Because we did not have Music class today, we watched a video on the life of St. Patrick. We talked about what made him a saint and how we can live like him. 

Have a great night! 

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