Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fun With Maps!

Greetings! Happy Thursday (Friday for us)! The students are quite excited about their four day weekend. They have worked so hard and will enjoy this time off. 

In Religion class today we focused on Ordinary Time. We talked about the stories we hear and special days that we celebrate during this season. 

We began Language Arts by working in our literacy centers. From there, we started a new week of learning. We learned two new oral vocabulary words (locate and route). We worked on rereading for understanding as we read Me on the Map. After that we learned how to blend and read words with the digraphs ch, tch, wh, and ph. Following that we learned our new sight words. We ended our morning by reading Which Way on the Map?, a nonfiction story about children using a map. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we practiced writing plurals for irregular words like men, children, mice, etc. 

In Math class today we began our chapter on geometry. Today we reviewed characteristics of squares, triangles, circles, and rectangles. We then worked in groups to sort shapes based on color, size, shape, number of sides, and number of corners. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we began our unit on geography. We learned the difference between continents and oceans. We created a small map of the world showing all of the continents and oceans. 

Have a fabulous weekend. See you on Tuesday! 

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