Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thanksgiving Feast!

Greetings! Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. We had our annual Thanksgiving Feast. The students waited all morning for the special lunch. And they were not disappointed! 

We began our day with a program from Prince Gallitizin State Park. The presenters talked to the students about woodpeckers. Afterwards, the students were able to create a woodpecker pecking away for bugs. Thank you to the Home and School Association for providing this awesome program for us. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, read long a words, read and spelled contractions for not, and practiced reading our sight words and using them in sentences. We then partner read a story from our decodable reader booklet and our story from yesterday. After that we read a nonfiction piece about time and completed pages in our close reading companion. Finally, we identified verbs in sentences.  

In Math class today we reviewed shapes. Tomorrow we will take our test. 

Because we did not get to Science last Friday, we had a special Science class today. Today, we learned that we can sort objects into groups. We then conducted an experiment to see which classroom objects floated and which ones sank when placed in water. 

We began our study of Thanksgiving today in Social Studies. We watched Peanuts: Voyage on the Mayflower to learn about the Pilgrims trip and first year in America. 

Tomorrow is a Faith Family Mass. The students can wear their red Christ is RICH in me shirts to school. 

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